Homicide Task Force Gang / Violent Crime Analysis Captain Eddie Levins Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department
Gang Membership
Gang Crime Classification A gang crime is defined as a crime committed by gang members or associates for the furtherance of the gang. Or When a crime is committed and an Officer with special training determines that a gang member is involved.
Analysis of Robberies Involving Gang Members
Percentage of Robbery Suspects Identified as Gang Members Under 16 years of age- 28.5% years of age- 23.1% Under 18 years of age- 30.2% Under 21 years of age- 25% years of age- 10.9%
Violent Crime, Gun Recovery, & Drug Hotspots
Grier Heights
Initiatives Prevention, Intervention, and Education through Gang of One Violent Gang Task Force –CMPD, FBI, BATFE, BICE GangNet Intelligence Database –Future statewide GangNet Database Patrol Division Gang Liaison
Questions? Captain Eddie Levins Sergeant Katherine Scheimreif Sergeant Jeff Estes