Florida Department of Law Enforcement C rime L aboratory S ervices
Florida Department of Law Enforcement C rime L aboratory S ervices Pensacola Tallahassee Jacksonville Tampa Bay Pensacola Tallahassee Jacksonville Tampa Bay Orlando Daytona Beach Ft. Myers Orlando Daytona Beach Ft. Myers
C rime L aboratory S ervices Statewide Crime Laboratory System accredited by ASCLD/LABSCLD/LAB Provide timely, expert, and professional examination of evidentiary materials to aid investigation and prosecution Available to all local, state and federal criminal justice agencies in Florida Chemistry Digital Evidence Crime Scene Processing DNA Database Firearms Chemistry Digital Evidence Crime Scene Processing DNA Database Firearms Latent Prints/AFIS Microanalysis Biology/DNA Toxicology Latent Prints/AFIS Microanalysis Biology/DNA Toxicology Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
B iology DNA Identifies biological material Biological Material Suitable for DNA includes: -Saliva -Hair -Saliva -Hair -Blood -Semen -Blood -Semen Performs genetic testing on evidence left at crime scenes including: murder, aggravated battery, sexual assault, hit and run, burglary Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006 Pensacola Tallahassee Jacksonville Tampa Bay Orlando Jacksonville Tallahassee Pensacola Orlando
B iology DNA Sex marker and 13 other markers Identified using Short Tandem Repeats (STR) Compare questioned stain profiles to suspect profiles If a match is obtained, calculate statistical probability Statistical probabilities can range from 1 in tens of millions to 1 in quintillions (1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000) Genetic Profile Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006 Pensacola Tallahassee Jacksonville Tampa Bay Orlando Jacksonville Tallahassee Pensacola Orlando
B iology DNA Established in 1989 Housed in Tallahassee Contains DNA profiles of offenders convicted of offenses specified in Florida Statute Contains more that 330,000 profiles Expanded in July 2006 to include DNA samples from all violent felons Convicted Offender Database – Profiles from unsolved cases are searched against offender samples for possible match Pensacola Tallahassee Jacksonville Tampa Bay Orlando Jacksonville Tallahassee Pensacola Orlando Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
Uses many methods to identify drugs including: - Color Tests - Microscopic examination - Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry - Ultraviolet Visible Spectrophotometry - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy C hemistry Identified Controlled Substance covered under F.S. 893 and F.S. 877 Identifies samples from clandestine laboratories including methamphetamine laboratories. Pensacola Tallahassee Tampa Bay Jacksonville Ft. Myers Orlando/Daytona Ft. Myers Tampa Bay Orlando/Daytona Jacksonville Tallahassee Pensacola Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
C rime S cene Uses specialized equipment to sequentially record and document the evidence and their observations at the crime scene Provide training to local law enforcement agencies covering the overall functions of the crime laboratory and the proper procedures for documenting, preserving, collecting and submitting of physical evidence to the laboratory Responds to requests by local law enforcement agencies for examination of major crime scenes Pensacola Tallahassee Tampa Bay Jacksonville Orlando/Daytona Ft. Myers Tampa Bay Jacksonville Tallahassee Pensacola Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
D igital E vidence Recovering passwords Circumventing schemes designed to prevent access Retrieving and preserving information Recovering information that has been deleted, hidden or encrypted Personal computers Various network systems Personal digital assistants (PDA’s) Various floppy and removable disks, tapes, digital cameras Other data storage media Cellular phones Evidence recovery may include: Types of computer equipment and media examined include: Tallahassee Tampa Bay Tallahassee Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
F irearms Compare fired bullets, cartridge cases and shot shells with tests to determine if they were fired in the suspect weapon or determine possible make and type of weapon involved Examine exhibits for the presence of gunpowder patterns and shot pellet spread to determine firing distance Examines tool marks to see if they can identify the tool that made them T oolmarks Examine firearms for function and safety Tallahassee Jacksonville Tampa Bay Orlando Tampa Bay Orlando Jacksonville Tallahassee Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
- powder processing - chemical processing - super glue - alternate light sources L atent P rints Identification & Comparison Compares latent fingerprints found on evidence to known prints Compares palm prints and foot prints by these same methods Uses various methods to find latent fingerprints including: Pensacola Tallahassee Tampa Bay Jacksonville Orlando/Daytona Ft. Myers Tampa Bay Jacksonville Tallahassee Pensacola Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
L atent P rints Questioned impressions from crime scenes can be photographed, lifted, or cast with dental stone to compare to suspect shoes or tires Footwear impressions can be as individual as a fingerprint Tires undergo a unique transformations as they wear down Accidental scratches, nicks, and cuts are left on the tires which also may be unique Comparison of tread designs, wear patterns and unique characteristics can lead to a positive identification & Tire Impressions (TROC, JROC, OROC, TBROC Only) Footwear Pensacola Tallahassee Jacksonville Tampa Bay Orlando Ft. Myers Tampa Bay Orlando Jacksonville Tallahassee Pensacola Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
Computerized system capable of reading, classifying, matching and storing fingerprints Quality latent fingerprints are entered into the AFIS Searched against all fingerprint records in the state Possible hits are determined by the computer and verified by a Latent Print examiner If no hit is made against the Florida Database, the print can be searched nationally using IAFIS AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System) Pensacola Tallahassee Tampa Bay Jacksonville Orlando/Daytona Ft. Myers Tampa Bay Jacksonville Tallahassee Pensacola Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
Evidence can associate a person with a place or another person Examines trace evidence that is sometimes no larger than the numbers in a date on a penny M icroanalysis Glass, Fracture Match, Bulb Filaments Comparisons may include: - Glass from a suspects clothes, compared with broken glass from the crime scene - Cut, broken or torn objects to determine if they were at one time part of the same object - Light bulb filaments from a car in a hit and run can be examined to determine if the lights were on at the time of the accident Orlando Tampa Bay Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
M icroanalysis Fibers can be transferred between the clothing of two individuals involved in a crime. Paint found on the clothing of a hit and run can be compared to a suspects vehicle OR analyzed to determine makes/models of suspect cars Fibers are compared against standards from clothes for possible match Paint, Polymer, and Fibers Orlando Tampa Bay Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
Analyzes samples of blood and urine in order to detect alcohol and other impairing drugs or chemicals T oxicology The majority of case submissions to the Toxicology section are DUI cases In Florida, blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or higher is considered presumptive for impaired driving Toxicologists can do “back extrapolations” to determine a person’s alcohol level at the time of the offense In DUI cases, blood and urine samples may also be analyzed for the presence of Controlled Substances Analyzes cases involving suspected drug facilitated sexual assault (DFSA) Tallahassee Orlando Tallahassee Orlando Florida Department of Law Enforcement – November 2006
Florida Department of Law Enforcement