Automatic indexing and retrieval of crime-scene photographs Katerina Pastra, Horacio Saggion, Yorick Wilks NLP group, University of Sheffield Scene of Crime Information System (SOCIS)
Cambridge 2002 Outline > Application Scenario > Project Overview > SOCIS features > Text-based approaches > Using NLP: > The Indexing mechanism > The Retrieval mechanism > Preliminary system evaluation > Links
Cambridge 2002 Crime Scene Documentation: Current Practices > Scene of Crime Officers: attend crime scene photograph the scene collect evidence (package and label items) write reports and create indexed photo-album(s) case-files piled in storage rooms
Cambridge 2002 Examples
Cambridge 2002 IT support for CSI > Crime Investigation requires: Fast and accurate retrieval of case-related info (and therefore efficient classification of this info) Identification of “patterns” among cases > IT support for Crime Investigation: Governmental agencies’ Systems (HOLMES) Commercial Systems (LOCARD, SOCRATES) (Crime Management and Administration Systems) Needed: “Intelligent” support for Crime Investigation
Cambridge 2002 Project Overview > Domain: Scene of Crime Investigation (SOC) > Scenario: Use of digital photography and speech to populate a central police database with case related information > Objective: Creation of a prototype system that allows for intelligent indexing and retrieval of crime photographs
Cambridge 2002 SOCIS features Access through the web (JSP application) Storage of case documentation & meta-information in central database Automatic indexing of photographs Automatic retrieval of photographs Automatic population of official forms
Cambridge 2002
“view of deceased with computer cable removed”
Cambridge 2002 Text-based image indexing & retrieval: approaches Manual assignment of keywords Automatic extraction of keywords (statistics +/ semantic expansion) [Smeaton’96, Sable’99, Rose’00] Extraction of logical form representations (syntactic relations and concept classification) [Rowe’99] Precision and recall increase as indexing terms go beyond keywords capturing relational info
Cambridge 2002 Text-based image indexing & retrieval: problems “view to the loft” vs. “view into loft” “position of baby with no bedding” “position of baby with bedding removed” keyword barrier syntactic relations need to be complemented with semantic information Consider:
Cambridge 2002 Pipeline of processing resources: tokeniser sentence splitter POS tagger lemmatizer NE recognizer parser discourse interpreter (+ triple extraction layer) Indexing-Retrieval Mechanism Free text query OntoCrime + KB Indexing terms ARG1 REL ARG2 Query triples ARG1 REL ARG2 matchingmatching captions
Cambridge 2002 Corpus and Domain Model 1200 captions from 350 different crime cases dealt by South Yorkshire Police (text files) 65 captions (transcribed speech experiment) Different lengths but same characteristics: Phrasal constructions, named entities, meta-info, what and where references Domain model = OntoCrime and knowledge base Role = selection restrictions for triples’ arguments and semantic expansion for retrieval
Cambridge 2002 Triple Extraction 17 Relations : AND, AROUND, MADE-OF, OF, ON, WITHOUT etc. Form of triples: ARG1 REL ARG2 Restrictions and filters for arguments Rules for captions with multiple relations Inferences restricted to certain cases
Cambridge 2002 Triple Extraction examples “body on floor surrounded by blood” “shot of footprint on top of bar” “photograph from behind bar of body on floor” “bottle, gun and ashtray on table” “footprint with zigzag and target on chair” blood AROUND floor blood AROUND body Body ON floor
Cambridge 2002 Retrieval Mechanism Allow for free text query Extract relational facts from the query Match the query triples with the indexing triples of each captioned photograph Allow for exact match of arguments or class info ARG1, RELATION, ARG2Class: If no triples can be extracted, keyword matching takes place with semantic expansion if needed
Cambridge 2002 Preliminary Evaluation Indexing mechanism evaluation run on 600 captions indicated refinements on the rules (80% accuracy in extracting and inferring triples) Preliminary usability evaluation with real users: Relational information considered to be an intuitive way for forming queries for image retrieval Future work: overall evaluation of free text query for image retrieval
Cambridge 2002 Conclusions Could the SOCIS approach be ported to other domains ? Thorough testing and experimentation needed However, it is a corpus-driven approach: Not just an alternative image indexing/retrieval approach,but the one dictated by a real application For more information on SOCIS: