Our World Today Homicide - 68% increase in 2 years Robbery - 86% increase in 2 years Violent Crime - 38% increase in 2 years Homicide - 68% increase in 2 years Robbery - 86% increase in 2 years Violent Crime - 38% increase in 2 years
Violent Crime Initiative Phase 1 (6 weeks) September 5 – October 14 1,526 Arrests 57 Recovered Firearms 152 Recovered Vehicles 5,971 Traffic Citations 179 Truants Recovered 1,526 Arrests 57 Recovered Firearms 152 Recovered Vehicles 5,971 Traffic Citations 179 Truants Recovered
Violent Crime Initiative Phase 2 (2 weeks) December Arrests 16 Recovered Firearms 67 Recovered Vehicles 1,023 Traffic Citations 416 Arrests 16 Recovered Firearms 67 Recovered Vehicles 1,023 Traffic Citations
Matrix Recommendations 155 Total Positions 104 Sworn Deputy Sheriff’s 18 Civilian Field Service Officers 155 Total Positions 104 Sworn Deputy Sheriff’s 18 Civilian Field Service Officers
Hiring New Deputies Background Process 24 weeks Academy 19 weeks Field Training 20 weeks Total Time 63 weeks Background Process 24 weeks Academy 19 weeks Field Training 20 weeks Total Time 63 weeks
Objective 1 Reduce Violent Crime by 15% Directed Patrol High Profile Patrol Felony Target Surveillance Fugitive Sweeps Warrant Sweeps Directed Patrol High Profile Patrol Felony Target Surveillance Fugitive Sweeps Warrant Sweeps
Objective 2 Take 150 Guns Off the Streets Enhanced Enforcement Gun Buy-Back Program Enhanced Enforcement Gun Buy-Back Program
Objective 3 Reduce Juvenile Crime Truancy Sweeps Juvenile Offender Sweeps Truancy Sweeps Juvenile Offender Sweeps
The Mission of Every Member of the Orange County Sheriff’s Office is the Same, Regardless of Assignment…
Reduce Violent Crime Through Targeted Proactive Enforcement
Directed Patrol Patrol (Additional Coverage) Tactical Units Evening Traffic Unit Reserve Units Property Squads Patrol (Additional Coverage) Tactical Units Evening Traffic Unit Reserve Units Property Squads
High Profile Patrol/Traffic Enforcement Mounted Patrol Crime Prevention Unit Motors Units Mounted Patrol Crime Prevention Unit Motors Units
Fugitive Sweeps Persons Squad Child Abuse Unit Domestic Violence Unit Sex Crimes Unit DNA Swabbing per Statute Persons Squad Child Abuse Unit Domestic Violence Unit Sex Crimes Unit DNA Swabbing per Statute
Violent Offenders and Narcotics Narcotics Units TIPS Squad Parcel Unit Commercial Carrier Unit Fugitive Unit Narcotics Units TIPS Squad Parcel Unit Commercial Carrier Unit Fugitive Unit
Adult Offender Released in February of 2006 –Armed Robbery –Battery on Elderly Since then 6 Pending Felony Charges (Home Invasions/Armed Robberies) Most Recent Arrest is for Attempted Murder Released in February of 2006 –Armed Robbery –Battery on Elderly Since then 6 Pending Felony Charges (Home Invasions/Armed Robberies) Most Recent Arrest is for Attempted Murder
Felony Target Surveillance Felony Squad Sexual Offender Squad Intelligence Unit Felony Squad Sexual Offender Squad Intelligence Unit
Warrant Sweeps Criminal Process Unit Civil Process Unit Criminal Process Unit Civil Process Unit
Truancy Sweeps Ag/Marine Units Training/Accreditation DARE Units SRO Units BADGE ROCY PAL Ag/Marine Units Training/Accreditation DARE Units SRO Units BADGE ROCY PAL
Juvenile Offender Sweeps Gang Units JAM Units SHOCAP Fugitive Unit Gang Units JAM Units SHOCAP Fugitive Unit
Grand Theft Auto 11 Juveniles 170 Stolen Vehicles 110 Combined Arrests 11 Juveniles 170 Stolen Vehicles 110 Combined Arrests
Another Juvenile Arrested 7 Times (Felony) Filed on 3 Other Times Each Time Caught and Released Same Day as Released he Was Caught Doing Another Residential Burglary Arrested 7 Times (Felony) Filed on 3 Other Times Each Time Caught and Released Same Day as Released he Was Caught Doing Another Residential Burglary
Estimated Overtime Hourly Rate $40 O/T Hours/Month 7,188 O/T Dollars/Month $287,520 Time Frame (Months) 8 Total Cost 2,300,160 Hourly Rate $40 O/T Hours/Month 7,188 O/T Dollars/Month $287,520 Time Frame (Months) 8 Total Cost 2,300,160
Overtime Request TOTAL NEEDED $2.3 Million $1.3 Million BCC Request $1.0 Million OCSO Match TOTAL NEEDED $2.3 Million $1.3 Million BCC Request $1.0 Million OCSO Match