Crime in America
How do we know how common crime is?
Crime Statistics Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) – 16,000 police depts compile crime reports and forward them to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) – 16,000 police depts compile crime reports and forward them to the FBI National Crime Victim Survey (NCVS) – annual survey of selected households to determine extent of victimization National Crime Victim Survey (NCVS) – annual survey of selected households to determine extent of victimization
Bureau of Justice Statistics crime statistics crime statistics crime statistics crime statistics Crime funnel handout Crime funnel handout more crime stats more crime stats more crime stats more crime stats
Read p. 70 and do problem 7.1
Crime Prevention What causes crime and how can we prevent it? What causes crime and how can we prevent it? Read Read 71-75
Causes of Crime in America Poverty Poverty Permissive courts Permissive courts Unemployment Unemployment Lack of education Lack of education Influence of TV and films Influence of TV and films Alcohol and drug abuse Alcohol and drug abuse Not enough police Not enough police Breakdown in morals Breakdown in morals Little to no chance of being caught Little to no chance of being caught
Brainstorming What are the major crime problems in Norwell? What are the major crime problems in Norwell? What are the causes of those crimes? What are the causes of those crimes?