TOPIC GROUP CRIME REDUCTION AND EAST HERTS CDRP P hilip Winter/Gary Ray Crime and Drugs Strategy
The Wiring Diagram
Herts Forward East Herts Local Strategic Partnership Board Forum Night time economy Group Drug & Alcohol Group Priority & Prolific Offenders Group Joint Action Group Communications Group ASB Group East Herts CDRP Chief Officers Group Strategy Group
2006/07 - Performance PSA 1 Target to reduce all crime within the 10 British Crime Survey Categories by 18% by March 2008 (2004/05 Baseline 5313 crimes – 2007/08 Target 4341 crimes) 2006/07 Performance 4992 crimes = 0.6% reduction Criminal Damage represents 40% BCS crimes/violent Crime 20% BCS crimes Domestic violence down by 13.4%
2006/07 Performance – SSC LAA 47% of residents consider teenagers hanging around on the streets as a big problem 34 Acceptable Behaviour Agreements issued / 9 Actionable breaches Bishops Stortford Central Ward countywide hotspot for anti-social behaviour Hertford Castle Ward countywide hotspot for deliberate fires
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