2014 Minneapolis Crime Totals Statistics verified and completed on 1/12/2015 CRIME yr % Chg Homicide % Rape % Robbery % Aggravated Assault % Total Violent Crimes % Burglary % Larceny % Auto Theft % Arson % Total Property Crimes % Total Part I Crimes % Uniform Crime Report: Number of Actual Offenses
MINNEAPOLIS POLICE ~ PART I CRIME Number of Actual Offenses Statistics verified and completed on 1/12/ Year low Year High 1987
MINNEAPOLIS POLICE ~ VIOLENT CRIME Number of Actual Offenses Stats verified and completed on 1/12/2015 Overall Violent Crime remains at lowest levels in 30 years 30-Year low Year high 1995
2014 Violent Crime Homicide is down by four victims Rape is up by two victims Robbery is up 4 offenses over last year – Robbery decreased in three precincts in – Precincts 1 and 3 had increases in 2014 Aggravated Assault is up 2% over last year – The increase in Aggravated Assaults occurred in the Fourth Precinct. Overall Violent Crime is up 0.96% over last year Area (Jan 1- Dec. 31): Violent Crime 1st Pct (Downtown)+4% 2nd Pct (NE and SE)-2% 3rd Pct (South)+8% 4th Pct (North)-0.3% 5th Pct (SW)-12% -29% Overall Violent Crime remains at low levels over last several years 0% -12% +6% -21% +72% +28% +8% -36% +63% -12% +8% -6% -51% -6% -24% -13% -12% +4% +17% +41% 0%
MINNEAPOLIS POLICE ~ BURGLARY Number of Actual Offenses Statistics verified and completed on 1/12/ Year low 30-Year high 1981
2014 Burglary Focus Burglary is down 10% In 2014, there were 492 fewer burglaries than the year before Continued success through a focus on pattern analysis, criminal associations and routines, intelligence, evidence gathering, crime prevention and community awareness in the Fourth, Third, and Fifth Precincts Map indicates number of offenses up or down
Juvenile Crime in 2014 Juvenile arrests are down 21% from 2013 and down 36% from Violent Crime : Juvenile suspects in Violent Crime up 3% Juvenile arrests in Violent Crimes are up 5% Property Crime: Juvenile suspects in Property Crime are down 14% Juvenile arrests in Property Crimes are down 8% * Information from MPD CAPRS queries where the suspect “from age” is listed between 10 and 17. Information believed accurate as of 1/08/2015
Violent Crime Victims by Age In Minneapolis, the age of violent crime victims peak at age 21. Since 2000, 20,488 victims have been between the ages of 18 and 24
Incidents Involving Youth and Guns
2013 Guns Inventoried for Evidence Hot Spot 2014 Guns Inventoried for Evidence Guns: 2014 Guns inventoried as evidence Guns inventoried as evidence saw a 3.9% increase on guns recovered