The Effects of Doorstep Crime on Older People Eric Kendall Regional Distraction Burglary Coordinator
What is Doorstep Crime? Bogus Callers and Rogue Traders (also includes Scam Mail and Telephone calls) Includes Distraction Burglars e.g. Waterboard officials Rogue Traders – invited or uninvited under guise of legitimate business / trade e.g. roof repairs
Good News Current statistics suggest there is less than 1% chance of becoming a victim…..but Research in 2003 suggests that there were only 1 in 10 offences being reported….Why? Victims not knowing they are victims, embarrassment, fear etc No room for complacency by Police / Trading Standards
Financial Loss - Estimate losses in 2009 at £1M, 2010 likely to be more….. Effects on the Elderly Fear – of future attack, losing home….. Lack of confidence & Trust – siege mentality Elderly Victims are 2.4 times more likely to have died or be in residential care than the same age group who have not been victims
What is being done Locally and Nationally Rogue Trader style operations have been undertaken across the Region since 2006 and have proved successful. Disruption / enforcement opportunities available through POCA and Enterprise Act. Support from the Older Persons Commissioner for Wales All Wales Doorstep Crime Group and current Awareness Campaign “If in doubt, keep them out!” National Coordination Unit - Operation Liberal
Bank Protocol, Approved Trader Schemes, Cold Calling Zones Raised awareness across law enforcement and other agencies of issues linked to Doorstep Crime to enhance response. Promotion of the Regional Intelligence Requirement. Increase the flow of information / intelligence from all stakeholders Doorstep Crime now being recognised as a significant threat to the communities across Wales – RIU, Scambusters, Police, Trading Standards Service