Honors Forensic Science
Crime Labs “run” on physical evidence Physical Evidence = any and all objects that can establish that a crime has been committed or can provide a link between a crime and its victim or a crime and its perpetrator
To be effective, evidence must be: Recognized Collected and processed properly Collector must be selective using knowledge of crime lab techniques, capabilities and limitations
Crime labs do not solve crimes Many jurisdictions have specialized teams to conduct crime-scene searches Not all crime scenes require retrieval of physical evidence
First officer(s) on scene should: Provide medical assistance, if needed, to victims Arrest perpetrator if present Preserve and protect area as much as possible
Exclude all unauthorized personnel from scene Isolate area using ropes, tape, barricades, guards, etc.
Lead Investigator should: Determine boundaries Determine perp’s path of entry and exit Document obvious items Conduct initial walk-through Develop examination strategy
Must document the crime scene in original state Information used in investigation and in court Monetary limitations may determine method used to document the scene
Photography Must be in unaltered condition Crime scene photographed completely Items of physical evidence photographed to show position and location; close-ups to show detail If size is important, include a measurement scale in photo for reference
Videography Can be used to augment photography Can narrate events on videotape Does not replace photography
Rough Sketch Containing an accurate depiction of the dimensions of the scene and showing the location of all objects having a bearing on the case
Rough sketch should include; Recovered items of physical evidence Distance measurements of items (use 2 fixed points) Legend Compass heading designating north
A precise rendering of the crime scene, usually drawn to scale Often prepared with aid of templates and drafting tools Reflect same information as rough draft CAD programs often used
Must be a constant activity Should include detailed written description of scene Detailed description of evidence: location of items, time item discovered, by whom, how and by whom it was packaged, etc.
Notes often only written record of details Tape-recording can be advantageous, but still should be transcribed into a written document
Thorough and systematic, even if seems unnecessary at the time How crime scene is searched depends on type of crime, local and size of scene, # of collectors, etc.
Collect massive objects to microscopic traces Important to collect possible carriers of trace evidence as well as obvious items Portable vacuum cleaners helpful Medical examiner may also provide evidence
Medical examiner may collect and forward: Victim’s clothing Fingernail scrapings Head and pubic hairs Blood (for DNA typing) Vaginal, anal, and oral swabs Recovered bullets from body Hand swabs from shooting victims
Prevent change Change can arise from contamination, breakage, evaporation, accidental scratching or bending, or loss through improper or careless packaging Maintain evidence in original condition if possible
Each different item or similar items collected at different locations must be placed in separate containers. Packaging evidence separately prevents damage through contact and prevent contamination
Chain of custody – list of all persons who came into possession of an item of evidence Must be established whenever evidence is presented in court Adhere to standard procedures Keep to a minimum
Examination of evidence often requires comparison with known standard or control Control = physical evidence whose origin is known, such as blood or hair from a suspect, that can be compared to crime scene evidence
Quality and quantity of controls may help determine evidential value of crime-scene evidence Controls must be treated with equal care as actual evidence
Usually submitted personally or by mail shipment Must be accompanied by evidence submission forms List of tests to be performed on each item List of items submitted
International Association for Identification Safety Committee Gloves Particle masks/respirator, goggles, face shield Be alert to sharp objects Use biohazard bags Note taking done with uncontaminated gloves No eating, drinking, smoking, etc. at crime scenes
Fourth Amendment – Prohibits unreasonable search and seizure Mincey v. Arizona Michigan v. Tyler When time and circumstances permit, obtain a search warrant before investigating and retrieving physical evidence at crime scene