Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Grant Program 2014 Continuation Application Webinar Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Victim Assistance Unit May 13, 2014
Agenda Overview Eligibility Program Requirements Budgeting & Allowable Costs Application Instructions Timeline Q & A CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 2
Overview VOCA Formula Grant Program was created under the 1984 Victims of Crime Act Provides federal funding to: o support victim assistance and compensation programs, o provide training for diverse professionals who work with victims o develop projects to enhance victims’ rights and services o undertake public education and awareness activities on behalf of crime victims To date, Crime Victims’ Fund dollars have always come from offenders convicted of federal crimes, not from taxpayers. CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 3
Overview (cont.) According to the VOCA Program Guidelines, services are defined as those efforts that (1) respond to the emotional and physical needs of crime victims; (2) assist primary and secondary victims of crime to stabilize their lives after victimization; (3) help victims understand and participate in the criminal justice system; and (4) provide victims of crime with a measure of safety and security. CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 4
Overview (cont.) For the purpose of the VOCA crime victim assistance grant program, a crime victim is a person who has suffered physical, sexual, financial, or emotional harm as a result of the commission of a crime. Funding cannot be used for the investigation of crimes or collection of evidence to further the prosecution of crimes. CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 5
Overview (cont.) CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 6
Eligibility Awards are limited to 2013 Competitive Award recipient organizations that provide services to crime victims and are operated by a public agency, a nonprofit organization, or a combination of such agencies or organizations. CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 7
Eligibility (cont.) Victim services organizations Criminal justice agencies Religiously-affiliated organizations Hospitals and Emergency Medical facilities Others CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 8
Other Eligibility Highlights 20% match Use of volunteers Help applying for CVCP Compliance with federal and state regulations Services to victims of federal crimes Promote victim safety CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 9
Other Eligibility Highlights Record of effective services Promote community efforts to aid victims No charges to victims receiving VOCA- funded services Maintain confidentiality LVAP 5% certification CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 10
Program Requirements Reporting o Victim Services Statistical Report (VSSR) Due January 30, April 30, July 30 and October 30 o Outcome Performance Measures (OPM) Due May 30 and November 30 o Subgrant Expenditure Requests (SER) Select monthly or quarterly CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 11
Budgeting and Allowable Costs CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 12
What is the purpose of a budget? Accountability Ensures that your agency’s plans are communicated clearly to CJCC Should be consistent with your narrative and proposed goals Must use Excel Worksheet this year ***CJCC will not pay for expenses that are not in the approved budget***
Personnel Includes employees, volunteer time and over- time Gross Pay, FICA & Fringe benefits (e.g. Retirement) Amount claimed this period o Gross pay x % of time = amount claimed o ($1,000 x 80% = ) Volunteer time valued at $12 per hour Volunteer dollars recorded in “Volunteer” column carried over from Volunteer Monthly Time Record
A. (1) Personnel/Salaries
A. (2) Personnel/Fringe Benefits
Travel Expenses Must abide by State of Georgia Travel Regulations/Local/Federal Travel Regulations Prior approval for out-of-state travel Lodging, airfare, transportation/cab fare and meals Mileage – show number of miles x approved rate Expenses must be supported with receipts Record Mileage log Training related expenses – all trainings for which you would like to be reimbursed submitted 30 days prior to paying registration
Travel Guidelines- Things to Remember!! Funding is not authorized for lodging within 50 miles of the subgrantees’ place of business Funding is not authorized for meals within thirty (30) miles of the subgrantees’ places of business, and when traveling outide a thrity-mile radius, the employee must be away for more than 12 hours According to the Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), travelers are entitled to 75% of the prescribed meals and incidental expenses for the first and last day of travel.
B. Travel
Equipment Expenses Item must cost $5,000 or more to be considered as equipment Copy of invoice for equipment must be attached to the reimbursement Equipment inventory list maintained Equipment purchases must be approved before purchasing Cost of equipment not exclusively used for VOCA activities must be prorated
C. Equipment
Supplies Description of expense “Office supplies” – listed in budget detail Postage All “equipment” under $5,000 Receipts for expenses must be maintained at your agency
D. Supplies
Printing/Media Acknowledge funding source o Wording located in subgrantee manual – may depend on whether entire publication or only portions are funded --“This project is supported by Award No. _____ awarded by the Office for Victims of Crime, office of Justice Programs and administered by the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council” Provide example 30 days before purchase for budget approval Submit copy of final brochures, etc with request for reimbursement
E. Printing
Other Rent, Local/Long distance, Cell phone, Utility bill (time periods should be noted in description) Copy of contractual/consultant agreement should be submitted to CJCC and kept on file
F. (1) Other/Costs
Contractual/Consultant Policies Fees cannot exceed $450/day or $56.25/hour Written contract o Services to be performed o Rate of compensation – should be reasonable according to past billing history or market rate (submit samples to CJCC) o Length of time services will be provided Payment for services rendered Services during contract period
F. (2) Other/Consultants
Budget Summary
Matching Funds - VOCA Same use as federal funds Expended/obtained during contract period Records of match maintained Source Amount Period used Contracts should be current
Matching Funds 20 % of Total Project Cost o Cash – any allowable item or service paid for by the agency. o In-Kind – a donation of tangible expendable goods, services or work space including allowable volunteer time.
Unallowable Expenses Non-budgeted items Bonuses Entertainment (including food) Alcohol Fundraising Non-grant related Accounting/Bookkeeping expense Renovations/construction – unless making services ADA compliant (e.g. wheelchair ramp)
Online Application Instructions Agencies with more than one 2013 award must submit an application for each grant number to receive continuation funding for that award Applicants will not be able to log out or log back in once the application is started CJCC recommends that each applicant compile all information requested in this RFP before beginning the online application Allow 2-3 hours for completion CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 34
Online Application Instructions Technical difficulties or emergency circumstances? Contact Shontel Wright immediately at or Applications must be submitted by 11:59pm on Saturday, May 31, There is no commitment on the part of CJCC to fund an application or to fund it at the amount requested. CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 35
Completing the Online Application CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 36
Common Errors Wrong grant number Budget format Miscalculating match Wrong agency name Unallowable and unreasonable costs Not submitting the attachment CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 37
Continuation Award Timeline CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 38 MilestoneTarget Date Release RFA and open applicationMay 1, 2014 (Done May 2, 2014) Application closesMay 31, 2014 CJCC staff reviewJune 1-30, 2014 Target dates for Committee and Council Meetings July 1-15, 2014 CJCC sends award packets to subgranteesAugust 1, 2014 Award packets due to CJCCSeptember 15, 2014 Start of VOCA grant yearOctober 1, 2014 Start of VAWA and SASP grant yearJanuary 1, 2015
Q & A ? CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 39
Conclusion Remember to read the RFA carefully and CONTACT us! We’re here for you! Betty Barnard – – Jonathan Peart – – Shontel Wright – – Thank you - we appreciate your service and dedication to victims in Georgia CJCC 2014 VOCA Continuation Webinar 40