Sponsored by: CAReS, Inc. Council on Addiction Recovery Services.


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Presentation transcript:

Sponsored by: CAReS, Inc. Council on Addiction Recovery Services

Prevention Needs Assessment Spring 2009 Participating Students 8 th Grade 10 th Grade 12 th Grade Conducted County-wide - Most school districts in the county participated Results indicate use and perception by youth

Alcohol and Other Drug Use Results 2009 – Spring 2009 Prevention Needs Assessment – Countywide MTF – Monitoring The Future – 2008 National Survey of Adolescent Use 2003 – Spring 2003 CTC Youth Risk and Protective Survey 8 State Norm – Essentially national data for R&P Factors for states similar to NYS

Alcohol is still the drug of choice for our teens Relatively easy to get – availability For the most part use is socially accepted, even for adolescents Use is significantly higher than that for other drugs

Anti-Social Behavior Anti-Social Behavior (ASB) is a measure of the percentage of students who report any involvement with identified behaviors in the last year Charts abbreviate as ASB

Risk and Protective Factors These are specific aspects of the community, school, family life, or individual which, research indicates can be predictive of problem behaviors in youth The prevelance of risk factors – Increase in problem behaviors The prevelance of protective factors – decrease in problem behaviors

Laws and Norms Favorable to Drug Use Community norms - the attitudes and policies a community holds about drug use and crime - are communicated in a variety of ways: laws and written policies informal social practices through the expectations parents and other members of the community have of young people. Ex. Law/policy Taxation of alcoholic beverages Higher rates of taxation decrease the rate of alcohol use at every level of use.

Community Disorganization Communities/Neighborhoods with: High population density – Population centers Lack of Natural Surveillance of public places – mostly wooded or otherwise remote areas in Catt Co High rates of adult crime – high juvenile crime and drug selling

Community Disorganization and Low Neighborhood Attachment  Most significant issue affecting community attachment - whether residents feel they can make a difference in their lives.  If the key players in the neighborhood:  i.e. business leaders, teachers, police, school personnel, counselors, doctors, etc-  Live outside the neighborhood, residents' sense of commitment will be less.  Lower rates parental involvement in schools also indicate lower attachment to the community

When laws, tax rates, and community standards seem to favor alcohol, particularly for youth, even if they are unclear, children are at higher risk. Another concern - conflicting messages about alcohol/other drugs from key social institutions. acceptance of alcohol use as a social activity within the community – underage drinking – hill parties, taking the keys The "Beer Gardens," popular at street fairs and community festivals frequented by young people, are in contrast to the "Just Say No" messages that schools and parents may be promoting. These conflicting messages make it difficult for children to decide which norms to follow.

Parental Attitudes Favorable Toward Drugs In families where parents use illegal drugs, are heavy users of alcohol, or are tolerant of children’s use: children are more likely to become drug abusers during adolescence. The risk is further increased if parents involve children in their own drug (or alcohol) using behavior for example, asking the child to light the parent’s cigarette or get the parent a beer from the refrigerator.

Opportunities for Prosocial Involvement - School When young people are given more opportunities to participate meaningfully in important activities at school, they are less likely to engage in drug use and other problem behaviors.

Rewards for Prosocial Involvement - School When young people are recognized and rewarded for their contributions at school, they are less likely to be involved in substance use and other problem behaviors

Opportunity For Prosocial Involvement - Community When opportunities are available in a community for positive participation, children are less likely to engage in substance use and other problem behaviors.

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