How Northern Ireland Can Get Lasting Returns on Preschool Investment: A Tale of Two Studies Larry Schweinhart, Ph.D. President, HighScope Educational Research Foundation Northern Ireland Early Years Policy Seminar 15 th November 2012
The HighScope Perry Preschool Study 123 children born in poverty in Ypsilanti, Michigan Randomly assigned to preschool or no preschool The HighScope Curriculum is highly interactive and focuses on children’s development Followed from 3 to 40 with little missing data
Perry Preschool Childhood Effects
Perry Preschool Adult Effects
Perry Preschool Return on Investment
At least two of three model studies found: Improved intellectual performance Improved school achievement in adolescence Improved high school graduation rate Fewer special education placements Fewer grade retentions Fewer teen pregnancies Lower arrest rates
The Head Start Impact Study A nationally representative study of 4,667 newly entering Head Start applicants 3 and 4 years old Randomly assigned to Head Start or not Only 80% of the Head Start group attended Head Start while16% of the control group attended Head Start. Data collection began in 2002.
Impact Study Findings Head Start has a short-term effect on children’s language and literacy development. Two years of Head Start has some effect on children’s social emotional development and their parents’ parenting. Head Start has some health effects. Head Start is modestly effective; it could and should be highly effective.
Why the difference between model studies and the Impact Study? To get what we got, do what we did! Highly effective early childhood programs have special ingredients.
The special ingredients: Certified or well-supervised teachers who know what they are doing A child development curriculum of proven effectiveness Full partnership with parents Stay on track with feedback from assessment of programs and children
Reaction to the Northern Ireland Baseline Survey The baseline survey found that two-three year olds attending centers in Northern Ireland were more affluent and had some better skills than other children.
Reaction to the EAL Evaluation The EAL Programme: Improved social emotional development Via improved practitioner and parent behavior? Had no effect on movement and motor development Was the programme intense enough? And slowed cognitive and literacy development May have supplanted such activities in the Day Care and Sure Start settings. - Despite the new movement experiences, ECERS learning activities scored the same. - Practitioners reported less frequent use of books, storytelling and number games.