Relating Customary and Metric Measurements and Elapsed Time
Customary and Metric Unit Equivalents LengthWeight/MassCapacity 1 in. = 2.54 cm1 oz. =28.35g1L=1.06qt. 1m= 39.37in.1kg= 2.2lb1 gal= 3.79L 1 mi= 1.61 km1 metric ton (t)= T
Practice yd= _____m 2.5 oz=_______g 3.6pt= ________L 4.The speed limit on most highways in Denmark are 110 km/h. Convert this speed limit to miles per hour, rounded to the nearest tenth of a mile. __________________________
Elapsed Time The difference between two times. One way is to count on from the starting time to the ending time. Another way is to subtract the ending time from the starting time. Ex. 10h 41 min - 4h 37min 6h 4 min
Example A train to Hiroshima will be added to the schedule. It will arrive at 7:18pm. If the commute from Tokyo to Hiroshima takes 4 hours 38 minutes, at what time should the train leave Tokyo? 7h 18 min 6h 78min -4h 38 min - 4h 38min 2h 40 min
Practice Pg. 120 in WB