What are Customary Units Units of measurement used only in USA and a small country in central Africa Not based on units of 10 as the Metric System
Customary Units of Volume Teaspoon Tablespoon Fluid ounce Cup Pint Quart Gallon
Mr. Gallon
Measuring spoons Fluid once = fl. Oz. Tablespoon = T or Tbs teaspoon = tsp 1 fluid ounce = 2 T 1 T = 2 tsp Measuring spoons can be used to measure liquid or solids Example: 2 tsp of vanilla 1 tsp of salt How many teaspoons in a fluid ounce? 2 x 2 = 4 tsp in 1 fl oz
Measuring cup 1 cup or c = 8 fl oz 2 cups = 16 fl oz 16 ounces = 1 pint 2 cups = 1 pint
Blue milk carton: One pint of milk: One quart of milk: 1 cup 8 ounces or oz The kind you drink in school One pint of milk: 2 cups 16 fluid ounces or oz One quart of milk: 2 pints 4 cups 32 fluid ounces or oz
Gallon of milk equals? 4 quarts 8 pints 16 cups 128 fluid ounces Solve these volume/capacity problems
1 liter = 34 US fluid ounces 2 liter soda: 2 x 34 = 68 fluid ounces
Customary Units of length From smallest to greatest length the measurements are: Inches Feet Yards Miles Solve these length problems 10
Customary Units of length Yard Standard in is the? ……………… How many inches in one yard?................. How many feet in a yard?................ How many inches in a foot?................. How many feet in one mile?................... How many yards in a mile?................... 36 inches 3 feet 12 inches 5280 feet 1760 yards
Customary Units of Weight pound or lb. Standard unit is the……………… One pound is ?............................ 2000 pounds = ?............... Solve these problems 16 ounces or oz. 1 Ton
Temperature Metric Customary Boiling Point Boiling Point 212 Fahrenheit 100 Celsius Freezing Point Freezing Point 32 Fahrenheit 0 Celsius o o o o
Comparing Metric and Customary Units 1 pound = .45 kg or 450 gm 1 yard = .90 m or 90 cm 1 cup = 250 ml 1 pint = 500 ml 1 quart = 1 L 1 gallon = 4 L
Time 1 minute = 60 seconds 60 minutes = 1 hour 24 hours = 1 day 365 days = 1 year
What is Light year? It is the distance light travels in one year So how far is that? Light travels: 186,000 mi/sec 300,000 km/sec
What is Light year? In 1minute: 300,000 x 60 = 18,000,000 km In 1 hour: 18,000,000 x 60 = 1,080,000,000 km 1.08 x 10 km In 1 day: 1,080,000,000 x 24 = 25,920,000,000 km 2.592 x 10 km In 1 year: 25,920,000,000 x 365 = 9,460,800,000,000 km 9.46 x 10 km 9 quadrillion, 460 billion, 800 trillion km 7 9 10 12