Using Units of Measurement Customary Units of Measure are used only here in the United States of America
n Metric Units are used outside the United States of America n Customary Units of Measure are used only here in the United States of America n Why are there 2 ways to measure? n Which one is better? n Will the US ever switch to the metric system?
How large is a millimeter? The width of a pin
How large is a centimeter? The width of the top of your finger
How large is a meter? About the width of one & 1/2 doors 1 meter
How large is a kilometer? A little over 1/2 of a mile 1 kilometer Gas station Holly Springs
How large is a milliliter? About a drop of liquid
How large is a liter? Half of a 2 Liter bottle 1 liter
How heavy is a gram? A paper clip weighs about 1 gram
How heavy is a kilogram? A kitten weighs about 1 kilogram
How long is an inch? A quarter is about an inch wide 1 inch
How long is a foot? About the Length from your elbow to wrist. 1 foot
How long is a yard? About the width of a door 1 yard
How long is a mile? Four times around a track
How much liquid makes a cup? The amount in a carton of milk in the lunchroom.
How much is a pint? A pint is 2 cups.
How much is a quart? A quart is 4 cups OR 2 pints. ½ of a pitcher
What amount is a gallon? A gallon is equal to 16 cups 8 pints or 4 quarts.