Measurement Remediation Mrs. Sanders May 2011
Measuring Length You can estimate measures using metric and US Customary units. Metric units To measure length or height, you can use centimeters, meters, and kilometers
Centimeters The ruler to the left shows units in centimeters. The arrow measures 4 cm. cm is a short way to write centimeter.
Meters and Kilometers Use meters and kilometers to measure longer things and distance. A baseball bat is about 1 meter long. A short way to write meters is m. 100 cm=1 m A kilometer (km) is the distance that you can walk in about 15 minutes. 1,000 m= 1 km
Feet, yards and miles Use feet (ft), yards (yd), or miles (mi) to measure longer things or distance. 12 inches= 1 foot 3 feet=1 yard 1,760 yards= 1 mile
12 inches= 1 foot A folder measures about 1 foot.
3 feet = 1 yard The distance from the ground to the Handle bars of a kid’s bicycle is about 1 yard.
1,760 yards =1 mile A person can walk a mile in about 20 minutes.
Capacity-Metric Units Milliliter (mL) and liter (L) are metric units used to measure how much something holds. This is called capacity. A medicine eyedropper holds about 1 mL A juice carton like this holds about 1 L. 1 L = 1,000 mL
Capacity-US Customary Units Cup, pint, quart and gallon are used to measure capacity. 2 cups (c) = 1 pint (pt) 4 c = 2 pt= 1 quart (qt) 4 qt = 1 gallon (gal)
Weight- Metric Units To measure how heavy objects are, you can use the metric units of grams (g) and kilograms (kg). A safety pin is about 1 g. Your math book is about 1 kg. 1 kilogram =1,000 grams
Weight-US Customary Units In the customary system, we use the units ounces (oz) and pounds (lb) to measure how heavy objects are. A penny is about 1 oz. A loaf of bread is about 1 lb 1 pound = 16 ounces
Test Tips 1.Use all the test time. 2.Check your work. 3.DO NOT leave any blanks on your answer sheet. 4.Take a step-by-step approach to word problems. 5.Learn to “plug in” answers. 6.On test day, relax!! Follow these tips and you will do great!!