Internal Armed Conflict and the Law Somalia Colombia Afghanistan Kosovo
Introduction Internal Armed Conflict Defined: Role of the Military citizens organized in group(s) violence more than sporadic acts purpose to overthrow government Role of the Military assist in law enforcement attack citizens taking an active part in hostilities
Sources of Law Domestic Law of State International Law Human Rights Law Law of Armed Conflict Question When Conflicting Rules Apply
Need for Protections Greater Civilian Casualties in Internal Armed Conflict Centuries of Restrictions on Combatants cultural & religious modern codification in law
International Law of Human Rights Law International Agreements UN & Other Agreements having global application Regional Agreements Customary International Law
Common Article 3 to 1949 Geneva Applies in All Internal Armed Conflicts Applies Regardless of Compliance By Armed Opposition Groups Question of Application to Armed Opposition Groups
Common Article 3 of 1949 Geneva Who it protects? persons NOT taking an active part in hostilities: combatants who have laid down their arms wounded or sick combatants detained persons the civilian population medical and religious personnel
Common Article 3 of 1949 Geneva Protections: treated humanely no violence to life and person no taking of hostages no humiliating or degrading treatment trial only by regular court w/ judicial guarantees all wounded and sick shall be cared for
Common Article 3 of 1949 Geneva Optional Assistance of Impartial Humanitarian Body Application of Common Art. 3 Does Not Affect Legal Status of Opposing Group citizens caught violating domestic law may be tried by regular court and punished
Additional Protocol II Binds Only States Party to It Applies to Internal Armed Conflicts Which: do not involve war of national liberation involve opposing groups under responsible command able to maintain discipline involve opposing groups in control of national territory sufficient to carry out sustained and concerted military operations
Additional Protocol II Prohibits Violence to Life, Health, Well-Being Collective Punishment Taking of Hostages Acts of Terrorism Outrages Upon Personal Dignity Pillage Threats to Commit Prohibited Acts
Additional Protocol II Requires Detained Persons: provided food and drinking water provided health & hygiene safeguards allowed to receive relief allowed to practice their religion equivalent work conditions & safeguards provided specified rights in criminal court
Additional Protocol II Requires All Wounded, Sick or Shipwrecked all possible measures to search & collect receive medical care to fully extent practical care provided based only on medical need Medical Personnel, Units, Transport respected and protected not punished for providing care special rule when misused by enemy
Additional Protocol II Prohibits Attack on: the civilian population as a whole individual civilians unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities
ICRC View Members of Organized Armed Groups are not civilians taking a direct part in hostilities only those having a continuous combat function are members and therefore may be directly attacked at any time people having a continuous support function are not members And therefore may not be directly attacked at any time
ICRC View Civilians Who Directly Participate in Hostilities only acts likely to do actual harm to enemy personnel or equipment the act must: be likely to harm military operations or capacity be no more than one causal step from the harm be designed to directly cause the harm
ICRC View Individual civilians shall not be the object of attack unless and for such time as they take a direct part in hostilities ICRC View: preparing to carry out moving to conduct carrying out returning from an act likely to cause adversely affect enemy military operations or capacity
ICRC View When in doubt as to whether or not a person: is a member of an organized armed group or is directly participating in hostilities It must be presumed that the person is not
Additional Protocol II Also Prohibits Displacing Civilian Population Without Provisions Starvation of Civilian Population Attack Releasing Dangerous Forces Attack on or Military Use of Historic Monuments, Art Works, or Places of Worship Protocol II Does Not Affect Status of Fighters
Additional Protocol I "Wars of National Liberation": Armed conflicts in which peoples are fighting against: colonial domination alien occupation, or racist regimes In the exercise of their right of self-determination enshrined: the UN Charter and Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations
Additional Protocol I Applies in Internal Armed Conflict in States That Are Party to It Questions Regarding When an Internal Armed Conflict is a War of National Liberation Question If It Applies to Fighters Provides Combatant Immunity To Fighters
Other Applicable Law of Armed Conflict Agreements 1954 Hague Cultural Property Convention 1980 Conventional Weapons Convention 1993 Chemical Weapons Convention 1997 Ottawa Anti-Personnel Landmines Convention 1998 Rome Statute on International Criminal Court
Customary Law of Armed Conflict Does It Apply? What Is It? 2005 Study by International Committee of the Red Cross International Tribunals for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda Rome Statute (International Criminal Court)
Rome Statute Internal Armed Conflict War Crimes Related to Targeting: intentional attacks on civilians intentional attacks on medical persons & property intentional attacks on civilian persons & property involved in humanitarian & peace missions intentional attacks on religious, education, art, science, charity, historic buildings killing or wounding treacherously failure to accept surrender
Rome Statute Internal Armed Conflict War Crimes Related to Civilians & Detainees: pillaging; rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, other sexual violence a serious violation of Common Article 3 conscription or enlistment of children under 15 or their use in hostilities unnecessary displacement of civilian population subjective captive to mutilation or scientific experiment Related to Enemy Property: unnecessary destruction or seizure of enemy property
Enforcement Against Violations State Enforcement hostilities against the government government personnel violating the law amnesty International Enforcement Tribunal Created by UN Security Council International Criminal Court
National Law of the State Constitution & National Laws of the State Concerned Consistent With Relevant International Law of Armed Conflict & International Human Rights Law