Why did God allow polygamy among His people in the OT? 1
Why Study Polygamy? Be prepared to teach – 1 Pet. 3:15Be prepared to teach – 1 Pet. 3:15 False views on repentance and mdrFalse views on repentance and mdr Maintain our honor for marriage, Heb. 13:4Maintain our honor for marriage, Heb. 13:4 Understand the forbearance of God & His will for all sinners today Understand the forbearance of God & His will for all sinners today 2
Monogamy: God’s Design from Creation – Gen. 2:18-24 Woman a helpmeet, 2:18, 20-22; Mk. 10:6Woman a helpmeet, 2:18, 20-22; Mk. 10:6 Husband & wife are one flesh, 2:24 (Eph. 5:31); 1 Cor. 6:16-18; Mal. 2:14Husband & wife are one flesh, 2:24 (Eph. 5:31); 1 Cor. 6:16-18; Mal. 2:14 Joy attends monogamy, Prov. 5:18; Eccl. 9:9Joy attends monogamy, Prov. 5:18; Eccl. 9:9 A figure of Christ’s relationship with His church, Eph. 5:23, 28-32; 4:4 A figure of Christ’s relationship with His church, Eph. 5:23, 28-32; 4:4 3
Polygamy in the Bible (and its Consequences) Began in worldliness, Gen. 4:19Began in worldliness, Gen. 4:19 Implied among the sins of Genesis 6:1-2Implied among the sins of Genesis 6:1-2 Customary practice of plural wives brought grief & pain into the homeCustomary practice of plural wives brought grief & pain into the home –Sarah & Hagar (Gen. 16:1-6) –Isaac (one wife) (Gen. 24:67) –Esau (Gen. 26:34-35) –Jacob (Gen. 29:18, 27-28; 30:1-13) 4
Polygamy in the Bible (and its Consequences) Other notable polygamistsOther notable polygamists –Gideon (Jgs. 8:30-31) –Elkanah (1 Sam. 1:1, 2, 6-7) –David (1 Chrn. 3:1-9) –Solomon (1 Kgs. 11:1-4) 5
Polygamy in the Bible (and its Consequences) Law of Moses discouraged & limited polygamyLaw of Moses discouraged & limited polygamy –Limited to wealthy, Exo. 21:10-11; Deut. 21:15-16 –Kings of Israel were told not to practice polygamy, Deut. 17:17 (Neh. 13:25-26) NT reaffirms God’s rule from the beginning, Matt. 19:4-6; 1 Cor. 7:2NT reaffirms God’s rule from the beginning, Matt. 19:4-6; 1 Cor. 7:2 6
Why did God Allow Polygamy? God permitted polygamy but never gave His approvalGod permitted polygamy but never gave His approval –Polygamy was not God’s uniform will on marriage –Polygamy was the invention of men, not God, Eccl. 7:29 –With the Law of Moses, God discouraged it & hedged against its practice 7
Why did God Allow Polygamy? The forbearance of God, Psa. 78:37-39The forbearance of God, Psa. 78:37-39 –The hardness of men’s hearts, cf. Gen. 6:3, 5-8 God suspended the immediate rendering of His just punishment against sin, Acts 17:30God suspended the immediate rendering of His just punishment against sin, Acts 17:30 –God held up/endured rather than immediately impose His wrath, Rom. 3:25-26; Acts 14:16 –We cannot conclude that God approves of polygamy today – or that He ever did! Today He calls all sinners to repent, Acts 17:31Today He calls all sinners to repent, Acts 17:31 Polygamy is a sin – a violation of God’s marriage law, Matt. 19:4-6Polygamy is a sin – a violation of God’s marriage law, Matt. 19:4-6 8
Polygamy Must Repent or Face God’s Wrath! It is adultery, Rom. 7:2-3; 1 Cor. 7:2It is adultery, Rom. 7:2-3; 1 Cor. 7:2 Repentance requires the adulterer (incl. the polygamist) to end his adulterous marriage(s), Acts 26:20 (19:18-19)Repentance requires the adulterer (incl. the polygamist) to end his adulterous marriage(s), Acts 26:20 (19:18-19) 9