AGENDA Chair – Shane Jones 9.00amMihimihi 10.00amTe Ohu Kai Moana Presentation of the Allocation Discussion Document - Intro & Overview - Key Considerations - Specific Issues - Description of Models - Benefit of all Maori - Process & Summary 12.00pmDiscussion 1.00pmLunch
Introduction & Overview
Te Ohu Kai Moana - Mission To facilitate the entry of Maori into, and the development by Maori of, the business and activity of fishing
He Anga Mua - Overview Key Considerations Specific Issues Description of Models Benefit of all Maori Process & Summary
What are the Assets? POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Cash $32.0M, 10% Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% Value of PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11% Inshore Quota $9M, 3% Value of POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% Cash $22.8M, 7%
Organisation Structure - Subsidiary Companies PRESAPOSA 100%100%100%100%100% 50% 83% 100% Te Ohu Kai Moana Limited Te Waka Huia Limited Chatham Processing Limited Pacific Marine Farms 1996 Limited Sealord Group Limited Moana Pacific Fisheries Limited Prepared Foods Processing Limited Te Waka Unua Limited 50% Prepared Foods Limited Pupuri Taonga PFLPFPL
Growth of Assets
Key Considerations
Consultation on Allocation and Related Issues
Allocation Decisions Inshore $9M Inshore $9M Deepwater $14M Deepwater $14M Inshore $127M Inshore $127M Deepwater $124M Deepwater $124M Part of Settlement Category of Assets Sub-Category of Assets Transfer Capital or Dividends Allocation Parameter Iwi and/or Other Maori Orgs PRESA ($320M) PRESA ($320M) Quota $251M Shares $37M Cash $32M POSA ($336M) Quota $23M Shares $290M Cash $23M Coast Combo Pop Coast Combo Pop Coast Combo Pop Volume of Quota Volume of Quota Iwi Co-op Iwi Co-op POSA Trust POSA Trust Iwi Co-op Iwi Co-op POSA Trust POSA Trust Iwi Co-op Iwi Co-op POSA Trust POSA Trust Allocate Retain Both Allocate Retain Both Allocate Retain Both Coast Combo Pop Coast Combo Pop Coast Combo Pop Volume of Quota Volume of Quota Allocate Retain Both Allocate Retain Both Allocate Retain Both Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>> Iwi Co-op Iwi Co-op Iwi Co-op Iwi Co-op Iwi Co-op Iwi Co-op Trust
Key Considerations Nature of Settlement Allocate / Retain or Both Tikanga Maori Economic and Social Considerations Distribution to Iwi, or Iwi and other Maori Organisations Other Specific Issues Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Allocate / Retain / Both Economies of Scale and Risk Management Iwi Readiness Ensuring that allocation is ultimately for the benefit of all Maori Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSATrust POSATrust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Key Considerations Nature of Settlement Allocate / Retain or Both Tikanga Maori Economic and Social Considerations Distribution to Iwi, or Iwi and other Maori Organisations Other Specific Issues Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSATrust POSATrust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Specific Issues
Chatham Islands – Separate Fisheries Commercial Freshwater Fisheries Lease Rounds Depletion of, and inability to access Fishstocks Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Four Models
Putahi Pataka Mana Orite Tohatoha Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>> Four proposals to Allocate PRESA & distribute the benefits of POSA As partial compensation for the loss of customary rights to marine & freshwater fisheries Iwi Iwi Co-op Trust Three Potential Recipients
Putahi Model POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Cash $32.0M, 10% Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11% Inshore Quota $9M, 3% POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% Cash $22.8M, 7% Inshore Quota To Iwi by Coastline Deepwater Quota To Iwi 50% Coastline 50% Population PRESA Shares To Iwi By Volume of Quota Cash To Iwi By Population Inshore Quota To Trust Deepwater Quota To Trust POSA Shares To Trust Cash To Trust Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Putahi Model – Iwi / Trust Iwi POSA Trust POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Pataka Model POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Cash $32.0M, 10% Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% Value of PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11% Inshore Quota $9M, 3% Value of POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% Cash $22.8M, 7% Inshore Quota To Iwi by Coastline Deepwater Quota To Iwi 50% Coastline 50% Population PRESA Shares To Iwi By Volume of Quota Cash To Iwi By Population Inshore Quota To Trust Deepwater Quota To Trust POSA Shares To Trust Cash To Trust PRESA Shares To Iwi By Population Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Iwi POSA Trust Pataka Model – Iwi / Trust POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Iwi Co-operative Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Mana Orite Model POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Cash $32.0M, 10% Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11% Inshore Quota $9M, 3% POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% Cash $22.8M, 7%
Mana Orite Model POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Cash $32.0M, 10% Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11% Inshore Quota $9M, 3% POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% Cash $22.8M, 7%
Mana Orite Model POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Cash $32.0M, 10% Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11% Inshore Quota $9M, 3% POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% Cash $22.8M, 7%
Mana Orite Model POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Cash $32.0M, 10% Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% Inshore Quota $9M, 3% POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% Cash $22.8M, 7% PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11%
Mana Orite Model POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Cash $68.6M Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% Inshore Quota $9M, 3% POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11%
Mana Orite Model POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% Inshore Quota $9M, 3% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% Inshore Quota To Iwi by Coastline Deepwater Quota To Iwi 50% Coastline 50% Population Cash $68.6M Cash To Iwi By Population PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11% POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Mana Orite Model POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Inshore Quota $9M, 3% POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11% Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% Inshore Quota To Iwi By Coastline Deepwater Quota To Iwi 50% Coastline 50% Population Cash $68.6M Cash To Iwi By Population Inshore Quota To Iwi By Coastline Deepwater Quota To Trust POSA Shares To Trust PRESA Shares To Trust Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Mana Orite Model – Iwi / Trust POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Iwi POSA Trust Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Tohatoha Model POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Cash $32.0M, 10% Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11% Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>> Inshore Quota $9M, 3% POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% Cash $22.8M, 7%
Tohatoha Model POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Cash $32.0M, 10% Deepwater Quota $124.3M, 39% Inshore Quota $127.4M, 40% PRESA Shares $36.6M, 11% Inshore Quota $9M, 3% POSA Shares $290.3M, 86% Deepwater Quota $14M, 4% Cash $22.8M – 7% Cash $22.8M, 7% Development Putea $10M, 3% Cash $12.8M, 4% Development Putea $10M, 3% Cash $22.0M,7% Inshore Quota To Iwi by Coastline Deepwater Quota To Iwi 50% Coastline 50% Population PRESA Shares To Iwi By Population Cash $22.0M, 7% Cash To Iwi By Population Inshore Quota To Iwi by Coastline Deepwater Quota To Iwi 50% Coastline 50% Population Cash To Iwi By Population POSA Shares To Iwi By Population
Development Putea POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Tohatoha Model – Iwi / Development Putea Iwi
To Whom the Assets Go RECIPIENTSPutahiPatakaMana OriteTohatoha PRESA IS QuotaIwiIwi Co-opIwi DW QuotaIwiIwi Co-opIwi SharesIwiIwi Co-opTrustIwi CashIwiIwi Co-opIwiIwi/putea POSA IS QuotaTrust Iwi DW QuotaTrust Iwi SharesTrust Iwi CashTrust IwiIwi/putea
How the Assets are Allocated BASISPutahiPatakaMana OriteTohatoha PRESA IS QuotaCoast DW Quota50/50* SharesVol of QuotaPopn CashPopn POSA IS QuotaTrust Coast DW QuotaTrust 50/50* SharesTrust Popn CashTrust Popn
Benefit of All Maori
Measures for Overall Benefit: Representation and Structures Registers and Maori Registration Service Ongoing Performance Ongoing Ownership of Quota by Maori Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Ongoing Ownership of Quota by Maori: Options Prevent any sale Allow sale to Iwi only Condition on sale that allows 1 st offer by Post Allocation Commission −Whenever an Iwi wishes to alienate quota, it will be required to: gain approval from > 75% of participants at a Hui-a-Iwi; undertake transparent tender process; provide Post Allocation Commission with 30 working days to match the successful tenderer’s price This means that Iwi receive commercial prices and Maori can retain ownership of key assets Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Post Allocation Commission (PAC) What should be the functions of PAC How should it be appointed Iwi Organisations? Urban / pan-Maori organisations? Crown? Electoral College Post Allocation Commission Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Process & Summary
He Anga Mua - Schedule Kaitaia Auckland Whakatane Rotorua Gisborne Hawera Wellington Christchurch Chatham Islands Hamilton Napier Nelson Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Consultation Release of Discussion Document, 1 December Regional Information Hui, 3-16 December Period for Iwi to consider proposals Consultation Hui, February 2002 Submissions close 15 March 2002, 5.00pm Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Next Steps Analysis of submissions Final proposals on allocation of PRESA and proposals for distribution of POSA benefits Agreement sought Final decisions Report to Minister Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Information on Website Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>> Allocation Consultation Documents On-line Submission Form
Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |POSA Trust POSA Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>> Te Putahi Te Pataka Te Mana Orite Te Tohatoha
Chatham Islands Separate Fishery for Allocation Te Putahi Te Pataka Te Mana Orite Te Tohatoha Treated as a ‘separate fishery’
Statutory Directions distribute the benefits of the Settlement “through Iwi” POSA ($M) PRESA ($M) allocate the assets to Iwi Te Putahi Te Pataka Te Mana Orite Te Tohatoha
Inshore & Deepwater Continental Shelf 300 metre depth Fishstocks are classified as: Inshore -less than 300m Deepwater - greater than 300m Te Putahi Te Pataka Te Mana Orite Te Tohatoha
Freshwater Fisheries – How Recognised? POSA $336.1M PRESA PRESA $320.3M Deepwater Quota To Iwi 50% Coastline? 50% Population? PRESA Shares To Iwi By Population? Cash $22.0M, 7% Cash To Iwi By Population? Cash To Iwi By Population? POSA Shares To Iwi By Population? Deepwater Quota To Iwi 50% Coastline 50% Population? Allocation of Commercial Freshwater Quota Greater weighting to population in other formulas To iwi by population in QMA
Deepwater Variations 100% Coast 75% Coast 25% Pop 50% Coast 50% Pop 25% Coast 75% Pop 100% Pop Te Putahi Te Pataka Te Mana Orite Te Tohatoha
POSA Trust Decides policies on how benefits received are distributed including: –To whom - who receives benefits –How much – the basis of respective shares –The basis and procedures for development grants –The basis, priority and focus of any capacity building assistance Te Putahi Te Pataka Te Mana Orite Te Tohatoha
Nature of Entitlements in Iwi Cooperative or Trust No ownership rights - entitled to share of benefits as determined by Trustees POSA Trust ($M) PRESA Co-operative ($M) Own shares in Co-operative - right to sell shares to other shareholders Te Putahi Te Pataka Te Mana Orite Te Tohatoha
Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |TOKM Trust TOKM Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
He Anga Mua – A Path Ahead Nature of Settlements Allocate / Retain / Both How Inshore Shares for Iwi are Calculated How Deepwater Shares for Iwi are Calculated Yet To Be Determined How Method Works Tohatoha: Nature of Entitlements Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |TOKM Trust TOKM Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
He Anga Mua – A Path Ahead Title Mission Overview What are the Assets? Organisation Structure Growth of Assets Consultation on Allocation and Related Issues Allocation Decisions Key Considerations Specific Issues Four Models Tohatoha – Nature of Entitlements in Iwi Co-op Measures for Overall Benefit Ongoing Ownership of Quota by Maori Post Allocation Commission He Anga Mua – Schedule Consultation Next Steps Te Putahi Te Pataka Te Mana Orite Te Tohatoha Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |TOKM Trust TOKM Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>
Separate Fishery Separate Fishery |Statutory Directions Statutory Directions |IS/DW IS/DW |DW Variations DW Variations |TOKM Trust TOKM Trust |Entitlements Entitlements |>>>