There are seven base units in the system, from which other units are derived.
The metric system is the most widely used system of measurement in the world. It is a more universal measurement standard as compared to the customary system used in the United States. The three basic units of the metric system are the meter, gram, and liter: The gram measures weight. The meter measures length. The liter measures capacity.
The purpose of a metric is to get rid of the ambiguity between, for example inches, feet and yards. It is difficult to transfer back and forth between these different units of measure, so a single unit (the "metric" of the system) is set, and every other unit is based on a clear, easy to translate multiple. Since we use 10 as our base, it is only natural to do the same with units of measure. This way transitioning between different units requires only moving the decimal place. METRIC MEASURES
1 kilometer =1,000 meters 1 meter =100 centimeters 1 centimeter = 10 millimeters
Millimeters Centimeters Decimeters Meter THEN… MEASURE THE FOLLOWING ELEMENTS. 1. A Pen is ______cm 2. A glue stick is ________ cm 3. You are ________m tall 4. The computer is ________ cm 5. An eraser is _____ mm
Kilometer Km Hectometer hm Decameter dam Meter m Decimeter dm Centimeter cm Millimeter mm
2. If you are multiplying, move the decimal point this number of places to the right. 7m to mm = 7x 1000= mm
3. If you are dividing, move the decimal point this number of place to the left. 836 m to Km = 836 / mm
Kilometer Km Hectometer hm Decameter dam Meter m Decimeter dm Centimeter cm Millimeter mm Convert 15 Km to m… You have to multiply when yo go down. Add zeroes to the right. 15000
Convert the following measurements. 7 m to mm 5 km to cm 4 km to mm 834 m to km 5 cm to m 4000 mm to m cm to km 8.34 cm to mm 8.2 m to cm 6.45 m to mm 3.05 km to mm