Establishing and Maintaining Lawns Competencies
North Carolina Grasses Most commonly grown grasses in NC include Kentucky Bluegrass Bahiagrass Centipede St. Augustine Bermuda Zoysia Fescue Ryegrass
Grass Identification Grasses are identified by Growth habits Warm or cool season Leaf texture (fine, medium, coarse) Color (light to dark green)
Growth Habits Ways new shoots are produced Three types: Rhizome Stolon Bunch-type
Cool Season Grasses Grow best in spring and fall and stay green in winter Tall fescue Kentucky Bluegrass Fine fescue Perennial Ryegrass Annual Ryegrass
Warm Season Grasses Grow best in summer and go dormant in winter Bermudagrass St. Augustine Bahiagrass Centipede
Kentucky Bluegrass Growth habit- rhizome Cool season Leaf texture-fine Color-Medium to dark green
Bahiagrass Growth Habit- Rhizome Warm season Leaf texture-coarse Color-medium to dark green
Centipede Growth Habit-stolon Warm season Leaf texture-medium Color-Light green
St. Augustine Growth Habit-stolon Warm season Leaf texture-coarse Color-medium to dark green
Bermuda Growth Habit-both stolon and rhizome Warm season Leaf texture-fine Color-light to dark green Most common type found in Wayne County
Zoysia Growth Habit-both stolon and rhizome Warm season Leaf texture-fine Color-medium to dark green
Fescue Growth Habit-bunch type Cool season Leaf texture-medium to coarse Color-medium green
Ryegrass Can be annual or perennial Growth Habit-Bunch type Cool season Leaf texture- Perennial-fine, annual-medium Color-medium green
U.S. Regions or Zones The U.S. has six regions or zones based on climate Temperature Available moisture Length or growing season
Zones in NC Three of the U.S. regions are in NC Mountains and western piedmont are region 1 Central and eastern piedmont and coastal plains are region 2 Extreme southeastern coast is region 3 Because of the wide range of climatic conditions in NC, many lawn grass varieties are grown in different areas of the state
Region 1 Grasses Kentucky Bluegrass Red Fescue Colonial Bentgrass Tall Fescue Bermudagrass Zoysia
Region 2 Grasses Bermudagrass Zoysia Centipede St. Augustine Carpetgrass Tall Fescue Kentucky Bluegrass
Region 3 Grasses St. Augustine Bermuda Carpetgrass Zoysia Bahiagrass
NC Regions Western-use cool season grasses Piedmont-use either cool season or warm season depending on location Coastal Plain-use warm season grasses and cool season Tall Fescue
Environmental Requirements
Temperature/Climate Cool season Warm season
Type of soil
Use tolerance or wear Excellent-Bermudagrass Very Good-Kentucky Bluegrass, Tall Fescue Good-Zoysiagrass, Bahiagrass Fair-some mixtures Poor-Centipede, St. Augustine
Lime and Fertilizer Follow Soil Sample recommendations
Watering As needed, depending on weather and water conservation laws
Mowing Recommended height varies from about 1” for Bermuda, Centipede, and Zoysia to 3” for Tall Fescue General rule of thumb is that less than half of the total leaf surface should be removed
Pest Control Weeds Insects Diseases Moles
Light Requirements Different grasses are adapted to the amount of sun or shade Shade Partial Shade Full sun
Starting a Lawn
Methods to Start a Lawn There are four major methods used to start a lawn Seeding Sodding Plugging Sprigging and stolonizing
Seeding Most common and least expensive Sown by hand or with a mechanical device such as hand spreaders or powered by machinery such as Cultipacker seeder Hydroseeder (a sprayer that applies seed, water, fertilizer and mulch at the same time)
Sodding Using established turf (grass and roots) that is cut into thing layers and removed from the growing area in strips Taken to a new lawn and rolled out and fitted together More expensive than other methods Provides an instant lawn Works on slopes where seeds will wash away
Plugging Using small plugs or blocks of sod to plant in holds about one foot apart Very time-consuming Used for many warm season grasses that are poor seed producers
Sprigging and stolonizing Uses plant runners, cuttings or stolons without soil attached to start new lawns. Slow if done by hand Can be done by broadcasting plant parts and rolling or disking into the soil Usually used on larger areas such as golf courses
Preparing a Seed Bed
Steps to Preparing Seed Bed There are four steps to preparing a seed bed: Grading Drainage Conditioning the soil Planting the lawn
Grading Slope away from the house to drain water away from the house and basement Slope should not be over 15% for lawn grasses because of mowing safety
Drainage Necessary for proper root growth Slope affects drainage. Drainage tile below the surface can be used.
Conditioning the Soil Six inches of topsoil should be spread over subsoil or if six inches are unavailable, well-rotted or decayed organic matter should be added and mixed into the soil. Roots, stones, dirt clods and other trash such as metal, etc. should be removed Soil should be tested for pH and nutrient recommendations
Conditioning the Soil Lime and fertilizer should be added to make pH of 6.5 to 7.0 and to meet fertilizer recommendations. All soil additives such as lime, organic matter, fertilizer, pesticides, etc., should be worked into the soil. Soil should be tilled to break the soil into small particles.
Planting the Lawn Plant at the proper time of year: warm season in spring and cool season in early fall or very early spring Choose the correct high quality seed for the climate and use Slow one-half recommended rate of seed in one direction and sow the other half across the lawn at a 90 degree angle to the first half
Planting the Lawn Cover seeds by lightly raking so that seeds will have contact with the soil Mulch with light cover of straw or use commercial mulching material, especially on slopes Water to keep seeds moist and new seedlings moist until they are well established