9/3 (Make sure you transferred your balance.) Since your lawnmower broke down you had to repair it. The part to fix the mower cost $45.95 and the labor for the repair was $ You had a coupon for 1/3 off of the total cost of repair. How much did you pay for the repair after you use the coupon? Record in spreadsheet. Description should state lawnmower repair.
9/4 Since your lawnmower is fixed you decided to finish Mrs. Oldlady’s lawn. She pays you for 7/9 of the lawn. You also picked up mowing one other lawn. Remember you earn $15 for every lawn you mow. What are your total earnings? Record in spreadsheet as Mow Job 3.
9/5 Your spouse babysits their niece and nephew for 5 ¼ hours one day and then 2 and 2/3 hours another day. They earn $8.00 per hour. What are their total earnings for babysitting? Record in spreadsheet as “babysitting job”.
9/6 Your daughter’s team fees are due in full. You pay $ for her fees and while paying she asks for a team hoodie and socks. The hoodie cost $29.99 and the socks cost $4.44. What is the total cost you paid for the fees and team gear? Record in spreadsheet as “sport fees and clothes.”
9/9 You drove by a farmer’s market and couldn’t resist shopping. You buy 5 tomatoes for $0.35 each, and you buy two squash for $2.39 each. How much did you spend at the farmer’s market? Record in spreadsheet as “farmer’s market.”
9/10 Oh no! Your daughter has a stomach virus. You take her to the daughter and pay the $20 co-pay and then you pay $3.89 for a prescription. You also purchase a bottle of sprite for $1.99 and crackers for $2.40. Determine the total for this illness including the co-pay, the prescription, the sprite and the crackers and record in the spreadsheet as “daughter’s illness.”
9/11 Oh no! Your son has caught the stomach virus now. You take him to the doctor and pay a $20 co-pay and the doctor tells you to stop at the pharmacy to pick up a prescription for $3.89. You ran out of chicken noodle soup so you pick up a four pack of soup for $2.50. Determine the total cost of this illness including the co-pay, prescription and soup! Record in spreadsheet as “son’s illness.”
9/12 On your way home from work you notice that Walgreens has a sale on photo prints, so you take your camera to Walgreens. Your camera has 325 pictures and you decide to print all of them since it will only cost $0.12 per picture. Determine the total cost of printing the pictures and record in spreadsheet as “Walgreens photo.”
9/13 Your mortgage is due by the fifteenth of month, so today you go ahead and pay for it. Your mortgage costs $ Record in your spreadsheet as “mortgage”.
9/18 IT IS PAYDAY!!!! Record in your spreadsheet as “paycheck” your monthly income. Homework: Check all calculations on spreadsheet. Questions are on Ms. A’s website. This is due on Monday!!!!