Celia Y Gomez Kristen Kozlowski Sandra Salvato
Phone: (281) Fax: (281)
Houston based discount lawn service In operation for over 15 years Provide quality lawn service at affordable prices Provide multitude of services including: Renovations Fertilization Landscaping Lawn care
Business information is being recorded manually Need to track business cycles to monitor slow seasons Increase sales by 20% Better utilization of time and equipment Inform customers of other services offered
Implement computerized business system to record accounting transactions and seasonal cycles Advertise other services through fliers, additional information on invoices, signage on current projects and around neighborhoods serviced Onsite repair technician for maintenance of equipment
Implementing Computerized business system would reduce office supplies expense, increase productivity, reduce office hours for manual record keeping Increased advertising would increase sales of additional services available Onsite repair technician would reduce equipment down time and repair costs
Computerized system must be user friendly Advertising should focus on services available during slow seasons Repair technician should be cross-trained to assist as required in other areas of the business to reduce downtime
Customer Order Services Equipment Employees Skills Maintenance Invoices Payments
CustomerOrderServicesEquipment Customer IDOrder IDService IDEquipment ID L/NameCustomer IDLawn ServiceMowers F/NameService IDFertilizationEdgers AddressDateLandscapingBlowers CityAmount BilledRenovationSpreaders Zip CodePackage 1Garden Tools Telephone #Package 2 Package 3
EmployeesSkillsMaintenanceInvoicesPayments Employee IDSkill ID Repair Order IDInvoice IDPayment ID L/NameOfficeEquipment IDService IDInvoice ID F/NameRepair TechEmployee IDAmount BilledAmount Paid Skill IDField LaborDate RepairedDate BilledDate Paid Address City Zip Code Telephone # FT/PT
1 M M M M 1M 1M MM 1 M
Customer (CustomerID, LName, FName, Address, City, ZipCode, Telephone) Order (OrderID, CustomerID, ServiceID, DateOrdered, EquipmentID) Invoices (InvoiceID, OrderID, AmountBilled, DateBilled) Service (ServiceID, Service Type, Cost) Payments (PaymentID, InvoiceID, AmountPaid, DatePaid, Balance) Employees (EmployeeID, LName, FName, SkillID, Address, City, ZipCode, Telephone) Skills (SkillID, SkillType) Maintenance (RepairOrderID, EquipmentID, EmployeeID, DateRepaired) Equipment (EquipmentID, Model Number, EquipmentType) Order Service (OrderServiceID, OrderID, ServiceID) Order Equipment (OrderEquipmentID, OrderID, EquipmentID)