Griffith ’ s Mysterious Transformation Experiment
Transformation DNA is released into surrounding medium Recipient cells incorporate it into themselves from the medium
How does it work? *plasmids* Bacterial chromosomal DNA Cell membrane
E. Coli = Escherichia coli Normally harmless bacteria in your gut E. Coli can be artificially transformed by exposure to calcium chloride solution and thermally “ shocked ” t o become receptive to foreign plasmid
What are we doing? We will transform bacteria (E. coli), giving it the ability to make green fluorescent proteins as well, make it ampicillin resistant.
Making Plasmids Gene Plasmid + =
pGLO Plasmid GFP araC To make green fluorescent proteins To survive with Ampicillin (antibiotic)
Bacteria Colonies Lawn – all together not separate
4 plates Luria Broth no plasmid(-plasmid LB) Luria Broth With plasmid (+plasmid LB) AMP Broth No plasmid (-plasmid LB/AMP) AMP Broth With plasmid (+plasmid LB/AMP)
What do you expect Luria Broth no plasmid (-plasmid LB) Normal growth = lawn of bacteria Luria Broth With plasmid (+plasmid LB) Normal growth = lawn of bacteria AMP Broth No plasmid (-plasmid LB/AMP) NO growth, all killed AMP Broth With plasmid (+plasmid LB/AMP) Individual Colony growth of transformed resistant bacteria
Sterile technique!! Don ’ t touch anything Lift Petri lid partially, pour/swab etc. Immediately reclose Open instruments and use immediately Do NOT touch working end Close quickly Incubate ndsᴉpǝ poʍu!!