On Halloween like leaves we scatter Witches and goblins and black cats chatter Up a lawn, down a lane, ringing bells getting treats and casting spells. In Halloween moonlight what creatures we'll meet Staying up late and nibbling treats.
MonsterActions appears and disappears drinks blood, sleeps in coffins flies on a broom transforms at full moon wears bandages attacks and steals from ships comes back from death Ghost Vampire Witch Werewolf Mummy Pirate Zombie
What do children do at Halloween? They trick and treat. They wear costumes. They watch scary movies.
HALLOWEEN QUIZ 1.Which monster drinks blood? a. ghost b. mummy c. vampire d. witch
HALLOWEEN QUIZ 2. What does a witch use to fly? A broom
HALLOWEEN QUIZ 3. What do witches do with cauldrons? a. wear them b. cook with them d. eat with them c. fly with them
HALLOWEEN QUIZ 4. Which of these is a witch’s pet? a. A bat b. A cow d. A black cat c. A toad
HALLOWEEN QUIZ 5. What does a vampire use to sleep? A coffin
HALLOWEEN QUIZ 6. What monster is usually wrapped in bandages? The mummy
HALLOWEEN QUIZ 7. Which animal uses its sensors to fly at night? The bat
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