Student Services Orientation Presentation Making it Work!
We are here to help you!
How do I?... When do I? Where do I? What do I do when…
How to schedule an appointment with your counselor…. Fill out an orange counselor request form located in the Student Services front counter area. Indicate on that form your grade level and your appropriate counselor’s name. Also, include your schedule and a brief description of the reason you need to see her. Place the completed form in the black box by the Student Services’ front desk. Parents can also request to see the counselor by filling out a blue request form also located in the Student Services.
Schedule changes Conflicts with another student or teacher Academic problems Personal problems either at school or at home High school information
Drugs and alcohol information Mediation Groups on different topics Confidential conversation What happens in Vegas…
Career and college information Interest inventories Job Shadowing Community Service CHOICES FACTS.ORG Work options Magnet programs Career Specialist: Ms. Richardson
Your counselor will schedule an appointment with you within 48 hours by sending the orange counselor appointment slip to your first period teacher. At the start of school, your counselor may take a little longer to schedule your appointment, please be patient. Your appointment slip will indicate the date and time that your counselor will be meeting with you. During that time and period, you are to show this orange pass to the teacher and have the teacher sign off with the time you are leaving their class and go to your counselor’s office. Your counselor will then meet with you. After your meeting, your counselor will sign off the time you will be leaving her office and then you go back to your class. Counselor Appointment Slips
Special circumstances only!!
Keep this in mind.
Bullying/ Cyber bullying
Mind your own business…
Around February, we will begin the process for selecting your classes for high school. You will attend the high school that corresponds according to your home address, unless you apply to a magnet high school. This will be done automatically. For magnet high schools, applications must be downloaded online at Applications will be available online as of October 1, Recommendation forms should be filled out by the appropriate teachers; not counselors. The applications and recommendation forms need to be mailed to the district unless other specified by the school. Application deadline is January 15, Magnet Fair will take place on October 7, 2011 for all 8 th graders. Several magnet schools will be presenting and providing students with useful information. This will take place in the morning and be available only to students and teachers.
There will be a Magnet Fair for the parents on October 12, 2011.
It is imperative that students check with individual Magnet high schools for specific requirements prior to applying. Each Magnet High School has its own criteria and a student may be denied admissions for failure to meet criteria. For example, Earth/Space and Algebra I are required for the following schools: (MAST, MAST-homestead (medical only), Robert Morgan, Felix Varela (Vet program) there are additional schools that require this as well. Academic criteria at certain Magnet High Schools may require a recommendation form to be completed by a teacher in the area of concentration. Students are urged to check with each individual Magnet School prior to applying to verify additional criteria required for admissions.
◦ Algebra I ◦ Earth Space Science