Juneau Downtown Tourism Transportation Study May 27, 2003.


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Presentation transcript:

Juneau Downtown Tourism Transportation Study May 27, 2003

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Presentation Outline  Project Introduction and Overview  Pedestrian Issues Food for Thought  Existing Conditions Summary  Your Ideas for Improvement

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Project Introduction and Overview

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Project Purpose  Evaluate travel in downtown Juneau and along the waterfront during the tourism season.  Blend creativity with practicality to develop alternative transportation strategies to improve safety, flow, and accessibility for all modes of travel.

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Project Team

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Project Schedule

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Current Project Status  Summary of previous planning work completed in the downtown Juneau and waterfront areas.  Summary of key issues and concerns related to tourism and transportation identified from stakeholder interviews.  Document, evaluate, and summarize the existing transportation systems in the study area.  projects.kittelson.com/Juneau_Tourism_Traffic

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Pedestrian Issues - “Food for Thought”

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Existing Conditions Summary

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Introduction  Topography of Juneau dictates linear growth  Only one continuous connection between the northern residential areas and the downtown  Impressive transit and bicycle ridership despite the relative small size and climate of Juneau  ~10% of peak hour travel into downtown  The summer tourist season has unique characteristics and needs related to pedestrian and vehicular travel

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Themes from Previous Studies  Steady and continuing growth in the tourism industry (60% growth in cruise ship passengers since 1996)

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Themes from Previous Studies  Existing systems constrained by geography, narrow rights of way, and historic buildings

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Themes from Previous Studies  Parking supply and management in the downtown area  year-round lack of appropriate parking  not directly linked to tourism

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Themes from Previous Studies  Pedestrian congestion during the summer tourist season  narrow sidewalks and street furniture  pedestrians use the street to avoid congestion on the sidewalk  Traffic congestion increases during the tourism season  vehicles servicing the tourism needs  conflict with pedestrian traffic  Tourism-related vehicle staging areas near the waterfront

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Previous Recommendations  Increase capacity of existing infrastructure  Roadways  Sidewalks  Tourism Vehicle Staging Areas  Docks

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Previous Recommendations  Improved management of existing facilities (especially where capacity cannot be increased)  coordinating tour bus departure schedules  altering tourism travel patterns by refocusing land uses and attractions

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Summary Of Stakeholder Interviews  Stakeholders identified:  Government Agencies  Community Groups  Downtown Businesses  Neighborhood Associations  Waterfront Operators  Tourism Industry & Operators  Delivery Services

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Summary Of Stakeholder Interviews  Key themes and concerns:  Pedestrian flow and safety  Potential for pedestrian and vehicle conflict  Congestion and conflicts between delivery vehicles, service vehicles, and tour operations

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Summary Of Stakeholder Interviews  Key themes and concerns (con’t):  Keep downtown Juneau vibrant and useable  Plan for future development and growth  Plan for future growth of tourism  Maintaining efficient and safe access to the water

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Summary Of Stakeholder Interviews  Key themes and concerns (con’t):  Efficient management of tourism demand  Minimize impacts of tourism operations on local businesses  Providing for and better managing parking options

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Existing Conditions Inventory  Existing connectivity, capacity, and accessibility:  Pedestrian Travel  Public Transit Travel  Private Transit Travel  Vehicular Travel

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Pedestrian Travel  Off-season pedestrian system functions acceptably  During peak season walking is major mode of travel for tourists into downtown  capacity of existing sidewalk system frequently exceeded

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Pedestrian System  Older sidewalks  More tourist oriented store fronts  Street furniture (newspaper dispensers, lights, etc)  Multiple attractions on both sides of the street  S Franklin Street between Taku Smokeries and Marine Way

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Pedestrian System  Older sidewalks  More tourist oriented store fronts  Street furniture (newspaper dispensers, lights, etc)  Multiple attractions on both sides of the street  S Franklin Street between Taku Smokeries and Marine Way

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Pedestrian System  High crossing locations on S Franklin Street: Whittier Street (Alaska State Museum) Willoughby Avenue (Juneau Visitors Center)

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Pedestrian System  Pedestrian confusion at Marine Way-S Franklin Street turnaround Pedestrian confusion

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Pedestrian System  Narrow sidewalk sections

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Pedestrian System  Narrow sidewalk sections

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Pedestrian Travel  Narrow sidewalk sections

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Pedestrian Travel Desires

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Public Transit Travel  Capital Transit Routes in Downtown  Route 3  Route 4  Douglas Route  Express/University  Major Transit Stops (“Waypoints”)  S Franklin Street (between Marine and Ferry)  The Capital Building (Seward between 4 th and 5 th )  The Archive Building (Willoughby)

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Public Transit Travel  Three routes currently use the cruise ship terminal as turnaround point  Can add to vehicular congestion along the docks

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Public Transit Travel  New Downtown Transit Center  CBJ is currently planning a new transit center off of 3 rd Street (between Whittier and Willoughby)

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Public Transit Travel Paths

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Private Transit Travel  Wide variety of providers who service tourist industry:  charter coaches  shuttle buses  vans  trolleys  taxis

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Private Transit Travel  limits operation of private transit vehicles  specifies travel routes  restricts certain ingress and egress access movements to facilitate traffic flow  Best Management Practices

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Private Transit Travel  Passenger loading locations and staging areas

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Private Transit Travel  Passenger loading locations and staging areas

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Private Transit Travel Desires

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Private Transit Travel Desires

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Roadway System Inventory  12,000-15,000 vehicles per day  two-lane facility through most of study area  widening at intersections  Egan Drive-Marine Way-S Franklin Street- Thane Road

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Roadway System Inventory  Delays to drivers as a result of pedestrian congestion  Potential for future growth

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Roadway System Inventory  Concern for travel speeds and safety  Differences between vehicle and pedestrian environment

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Roadway System Inventory  Vehicle accessibility for businesses  Ingress/egress  Deliveries and loading

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Feedback? Your Ideas for Improvements?

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Next Steps  Alternatives Development  Feedback Opportunities  Comment flyer  Project web site  On-going project information:  projects.kittelson.com/Juneau_Tourism_Traffic  Public Event #2 – late July 2003

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Questions & Feedback

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Your Ideas for Improvements  Developing signage and other elements to assist tourists

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Your Ideas For Improvement  Sea walk concept

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Your Ideas For Improvement  Gastineau Avenue connection

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Your Ideas For Improvement  Reorient docks

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Your Ideas For Improvement  Reorient/Relocated tourist-oriented land uses

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Your Ideas For Improvement  Reorient/Relocated tourist-oriented land uses

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Your Ideas For Improvement  System Management  Deliveries  Loading zones  Crossing guards

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Next Steps  Alternatives Development  Feedback Opportunities  Comment flyer  Project web site  On-going project information:  projects.kittelson.com/Juneau_Tourism_Traffic  Public Event #2 – late July 2003

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Questions & Feedback

Downtown Tourism Transportation Study Your Ideas For Improvement  Gastineau Avenue connection