Jamesburg VPS Generating a Shared Vision for the Future JAMESBURG, NJ Public Meeting Visual Preference Survey
Jamesburg VPS Study Area
Jamesburg VPS As you view the following images, please keep the following in mind: To properly determine the potential for future building types, parks, stores, civic buildings, streets, transit and parking as well as the financial, and emotional well being of this community, we are inviting you to evaluate the next set of images.
Jamesburg VPS The images are intended to illustrate conceptual ideas. They do not represent specific proposals for specific places. The images are not intended to raise false expectations. They were created to help you imagine what may be possible. View the images with an open mind.
Jamesburg VPS You will be evaluating images from the following categories: Streets Pedestrian Realm Building Types Signs Parking Parks and Open Space Mobility Options
Jamesburg VPS Survey Materials To complete this survey, you should have one (1) Blue Visual Preference Survey Form to record your responses to the images, one (1) questionnaire, one (1) Red Response Form, and a #2 pencil. 123
Jamesburg VPS Identification Number It is critical that the boxes be filled in correctly! Your Identification Number is found on the Questionnaire. Fill in your ID number, as shown below, in the boxes provided at the top of both the red and blue forms. Make sure that all your forms have the same ID number!
Jamesburg VPS For the first set of images mark (Tray One) Fill in
Jamesburg VPS For each of the images respond to the following question: How appropriate or inappropriate is the place you are seeing, now and in the future for Jamesburg?
Jamesburg VPS Line 1:Existing Two Way Main Street
Jamesburg VPS Line 2:Traditional Two Way Main Street
Jamesburg VPS Line 3:Four Lane Street with Turning Median
Jamesburg VPS Line 4:Main Street with Boulevard
Jamesburg VPS Line 5:Existing Four Way Intersection
Jamesburg VPS Line 6:Residential Main Street
Jamesburg VPS Line 7:Existing Street
Jamesburg VPS Line 8:Existing Mixed Use Sidewalk
Jamesburg VPS Line 9:Wide Sidewalk with Mature Trees and Public Amenities
Jamesburg VPS Line 10:Sidewalk with Outdoor Seating
Jamesburg VPS Line 11:Existing retail sidewalk with parking
Jamesburg VPS Line 12:Textured sidewalk with Awnings and Light Fixtures
Jamesburg VPS Line 13:Wide Sidewalk with Outdoor Seating and Public Amenities
Jamesburg VPS Line 14:Existing Pathway next to Train Tracks
Jamesburg VPS Line 15:Sidewalk with park and plants between parking
Jamesburg VPS Line 16:Textured Sidewalk with Awnings and Public Amenities
Jamesburg VPS Line 17:Residential sidewalk plants between parking
Jamesburg VPS Line 18:Buildings Set Back from Sidewalk
Jamesburg VPS Line 19:Two-Story Row Housing with Semi-Public Edge
Jamesburg VPS Line 20:Existing Residential Sidewalk with Trees
Jamesburg VPS Line 21:Textured Crosswalk
Jamesburg VPS Line 22:Painted Crosswalk
Jamesburg VPS Line 23:Existing Mixed Use Buildings
Jamesburg VPS Line 24:Three-Story Apartment Building with Semi-Public Edge
Jamesburg VPS Line 25:Two Story Mixed Use
Jamesburg VPS Line 26:Existing Single-Family Housing
Jamesburg VPS Line 27:Two-Story Row Housing
Jamesburg VPS Line 28:Existing Mixed Use
Jamesburg VPS Line 29:Live-Work Units
Jamesburg VPS Line 30:Existing Single-Family Housing and Industrial Use
Jamesburg VPS Line 31:Two to Three Story Mixed-Use with Unique Facades
Jamesburg VPS Line 32:Existing Commercial and Residential
Jamesburg VPS Line 33:Two to Three Story Mixed Use with Varying Heights
Jamesburg VPS Line 34:Existing Commercial and Mixed Use
Jamesburg VPS Line 35:One Story Commercial
Jamesburg VPS Line 36:Existing One-Story Strip Mall
Jamesburg VPS Line 37:Two to Three Story Mixed-Use “Main Street”
Jamesburg VPS Line 38:Existing Bank with traffic inlet/outlet
Jamesburg VPS Line 39:Small Gallery in Two-Story Building
Jamesburg VPS Line 40:McDonald’s “Pad” Site
Jamesburg VPS Line 41:Billboard Type Signage
Jamesburg VPS Line 42:Banner Type Signage
Jamesburg VPS Line 43:Hanging Sign
Jamesburg VPS Line 44:Strip Mall Signage
Jamesburg VPS Line 45:Panera Bread
Jamesburg VPS Line 46:Wooden Sign
Jamesburg VPS Line 47:Kiosk with Bicycle Rack
Jamesburg VPS Line 48:Side Surface Parking Lot
Jamesburg VPS Line 49:Front Surface Parking Lot
Jamesburg VPS Line 50:Parallel and Slanted Parking Spaces
Jamesburg VPS Line 51:Access to Rear Parking
Jamesburg VPS Line 52:Open Lot
Jamesburg VPS Line 53:Memorial Park
Jamesburg VPS Line 54:Fountain
Jamesburg VPS Line 55:Downtown “Green” surrounded by Mixed-Use
Jamesburg VPS Line 56:Existing Railroad and Open Space
Jamesburg VPS Line 57:Paved Neighborhood Plaza with Fountains and Benches
Jamesburg VPS Line 58:Paved Neighborhood Plaza with Outdoor Seating
Jamesburg VPS Line 59:Existing Lakeside Park
Jamesburg VPS Line 60:Existing Lakeside
Jamesburg VPS Line 61:Existing Pedestrian Access to Lake
Jamesburg VPS Line 62:Wooden walking trail around the Lake
Jamesburg VPS Line 63:Paved walking trail and plaza around the Lake
Jamesburg VPS Line 64:Lake surrounded by outdoor dining, retail and other amenities
Jamesburg VPS Line 65:Walking
Jamesburg VPS Line 66:Striped Bicycle Lane
Jamesburg VPS Line 67:Cycling
Jamesburg VPS Line 68:Colorful Bus Stop
Jamesburg VPS Line 69:Local Bus Service
Jamesburg VPS Line 70:Parking garage
Jamesburg VPS Line 71:Park-n-Ride Lot in Urban Context
Jamesburg VPS Line 72:Park-n-Ride Lot
Jamesburg VPS Line 73:Light Rail Train
Jamesburg VPS Line 74:Commuter Rail
Jamesburg VPS End of VPS
Jamesburg VPS You have now completed the VPS. Please answer the questions on the survey using the RED FORM.