Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan City of Nicholasville Jessamine County Fiscal Court April 29, 2008
Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan Purpose of the Master Plan: Develop a “vision” for downtown Nicholasville Support justification for future funding/grants Build public buy-in and consensus for the “vision” Promote economic growth within the downtown and community
Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan Purpose of the Master Plan: Encourage redevelopment and infill development Preserve the historic character of the Downtown Provide opportunities for mixed- use activities Improve the physical and social character Promote pedestrian accessible and public open space
Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan Scope: Base Map / GIS Inventory & Analysis Public Workshop / Public Consensus Conceptual Studies Recommendations Short and Long Term Goals Phasing Implementation
Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan Planning Process: Data Gathering Inventory & Analysis Public Workshop “Charrette” – Public Input Opportunities & Constraints Public Meeting – Community Input – “Heard - Ya” Preliminary Master Plan Refine Master Plan Final Master Plan
Public Involvement Recap Preference Selection Downtown Parks Community Center Streetscape Anchor Parking Improvements Infill/Redevelopment Gateways
Master Plan Master Plan Unique Themes to Nicholasville & Jessamine County Palisades Music: Bluegrass and Country Wine Industry
Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan Recommendations from public meetings Sidewalk Improvements Urban Parks Greenways Downtown Anchor Parking Improvements
Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan Street Trees Lighting Urban Parks On Street Parking Sidewalk Improvements Oak Street Walnut Street Maple Street Chestnut Street Main Street First StreetSecond Street York Street
Street Trees Lighting Urban Park On Street Parking Sidewalk Improvements Nicholasville Downtown Master Plan Main Street Walnut Street
Streetscape Master Plan
Typical View of Streetscape New Sidewalks Limestone Pavers Street Trees Tree Grates Signage Lighting Underground Utilities
Recommendations Community Center Urban Parks Wayfinding Signage Parking Improvements Infill/Redevelopment Gateways Greenways
Downtown Community Center
Music Park Main Street Oak Street
Vineyard Square Oak Street York Street
Palisades Park York Street Maple Street
Implementation Schedule Short Term Clean up “Bird’s Nest” ADA improvements and Sidewalk clean up Tree Replacement
Mid Term Streetscape Block by Block Gateways Wayfinding Signage Parking Improvements Implementation Schedule
Long Term Community Center Urban Parks Infill/Redevelopment Greenways Implementation Schedule