1 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Today’s Economic Realities Civic leaders face many issues… Improving productivity Improving safety & security Regulatory compliance Energy management Leveraging investments Risk management How to cut operating cost Predictable cash flow
Building Solutions Cities for a Strong America and 2005 Urban Water Summit Joe O’Connor – East Sales Leader, Meter Services: Tom Pautz – West Sales Leader, Meter Servics: Date: September 30, 2005
Building Solutions Augusta, Georgia Commercial AMR Meter Installation Project
4 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Performance AMR Project period July – May Installed 7000 Commercial Badger potable water AMR meters Overall Meter reading accuracy is calculated at 99.3% exceeding the performance guarantee value of 97% Modernized a 50 year water meter infrastructure
5 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Large Meter Installs 486 Large Meters Installed, 3” – 10” - Each site received a comprehensive survey to confirm correct meter type and size.
6 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Medium Meter Installs Installed 1,323 meters, 1.5” and 2” - in a variety of conditions (dirt, sidewalk, parking lots, etc…) - Confirmed correct meter application and sizing
7 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Small Meter Installs Installed 4,191, 5/8” and 1” 1,000 residential meter installs - in a variety of conditions (dirt, sidewalk, parking lots, etc…) - Infrastructure repairs, modifications, or replacement
8 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Work Order Statistics 7,613 work orders received 7,014 work orders completed 599 work orders deactivated - Duplicate work orders - Utility requested - Unable to install, returned to Utility Bottom line result total completion
9 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential 2005 M&V Process Testing was conducted in the field during the 4th Quarter of 2004 and 1st Quarter of 2005 Testing was performed in accordance with AWWA guidelines Each meter was tested at 3 different flow rates to simulate different water demands Overall performance of meter accuracy was weighted based on the 3 flow rates; Low = 5%, Medium = 15%, and High = 80%
10 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Maintenance Plan Began on January 1, 2005 Maintain 97% meter read accuracy for a period of 10 yrs through a scheduled maintenance plan (Currently guaranteed for 2 yrs with a Client option for a 3rd year) through a 3 step process - Monitoring and Cleaning - Annual Rebuild - Measurement and Verification
Building Solutions Itron Technology Innovative AMR Solutions
12 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Itron, Inc Itron, Inc. Broadest Array of Data Collection Systems & Communication Technologies Mobile, Handheld & Network AMR Radio, Telephone, Private & Public Networks Hardware, Software & Systems Integration Wireless Work Force Management End-to-End Systems Implementation Expertise Compatibility with All Major Meter Manufacturers Water, Electric and Gas Non-proprietary/hardware neutral
13 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Walk-by/Drive-by Automatic Meter Reading Functionality:Functionality: Accurate and Timely Readings Strategic Applications:Strategic Applications: Reduces high-cost-to-read meters (bad dogs, locked gates, basement meters) Leak and Tamper detection First step in the migration to Fixed Network
Building Solutions City of Akron, Ohio Residential AMR Meter Program
15 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Residential Water Meter Program Deployment period October 2003 – August 2005 Honeywell served as general contractor to install an Itron Mobile Radio AMR system with Badger Meters. 78,500 Indoor residential meters 12,000 Outdoor pit meters Single point of contact for meter installation, technology deployment and integration
16 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Maximizing Success Real Time Information High Service Level Competency
17 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Akron Project Results Final Read Rate 99.9% Seven complaints per 10,000 installations 100% of all the complaints were resolved Completed deployment three months ahead of schedule 100% installed
18 HON Introduction Honeywell Confidential Great Partnerships Produce Great Successes