But fines vary depending upon location.
What parking violation do you notice here? Blocking (on) the sidewalk
You want to pull over and park here. How far must you stay away from the fire plug? 15 feet
Is this parked car in violation?
Why is this car illegally parked? It’s too close to the intersection.
Some signs will post it as a reminder. Stay about three car lengths back from sign. Some signs will post it as a reminder. Stay about three car lengths back from sign.
Here’s a violator… $20-50 ticket
Why is it illegal for parked cars to be this close to a stop sign? There’s not enough room for us plus a turning car. (three cars abreast)
This illegal parking is called:______________
This driver wisely pulled over to make a cell phone call. However, what did she do wrong?
Other city rules of the road and strategies
White broken lane lines separate what type of traffic? TRAFFIC MOVING IN THE SAME DIRECTION or ONE WAY TRAFFIC
True or False: This is the correct turn for this situation? Make a left turn from a one way street to a one way street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TRUE
True or False: This is the correct turn for this situation? Make a left turn from a two way street to a one way street _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TRUE
You are on a one way street. Which side of the street must you be on for a left turn at the stop sign? Change lanes to the LEFT SIDE
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TRUE What about vehicles still in the intersection after the light changes red? True or False: This is the correct turn for this situation.
In this busy city area is a right turn on red permitted? YES, but you must: Make complete stop and yield to all traffic. What is this? Folded stop sign.
Here, you’re waiting to make a right turn on red. Besides checking to the left for crossing cars, where else must you check? You must also be aware of on-coming turners if an arrow appears.
What must you do at this intersection? Go straight What must you do in this situation?
Here, you are waiting to turn left. Would you go now? No, you must be in the intersection to finish the turn.
WHAT ABOUT NOW? In this situation, you need to wait a little longer to be sure a fast on-coming vehicle is not approaching.
In this situation both trucks ran the yellow-red light while we were waiting in the intersection to finish our left turn!
End City and Parking Quiz time…how much do you remember?
1)1) The only hill parking that requires turning the wheels to the left is: ______________ 1)2) True or False: When backing out of an angle space you have a choice of which direction to end up facing. ______ 1)3) Before pulling into a straight-in parking space, it is important to first position your vehicle ________________ 1)4) When backing out of a parking space be sure to _______ and _______ the car next to you before turning the wheel. 1)5) When parking in a angle or straight-in parking space, be sure your front wheels are ___________ 6) When leaving a straight-in parking lot driveway be sure you position your vehicle on the _______ of the driveway.
1)7) When pulling over to park along the curb, be careful not to block a __________. 1)8) True or False: Red painted curbs indicate no stopping, standing or parking ______. 1)9) You are on a one-way street intending to turn left. You must be in the ______lane before starting the turn. 1)10) True or False: You can get a ticket for parking too close to a stop sign. ________ 1)11) When making a right turn on red, besides checking for cross traffic, also look for _________protected left turners. 12) List 3 examples of illegal parking: _______________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________