IB Winter 2012
Making So what is it we sell?
Product Strategy Product mix products a company sells Product line similar products similar group of buyers use them in a similar fashion
Product Life R&D Life Death
R&D New products variations uses Rarely cheap predictable successful
R&D Process 1.ideas 2.screening 3.concept testing 4.business analysis 5.prototype 6.product & market testing 7.commercialization
Product Life R&D Life Death
declinematuritygrowthintro Life Cycle t $ sales loss profit
Life Cycle intro monopoly intro and final r&d costs no profits price high promotion inform customers generate demand
declinematuritygrowthintro Life Cycle t $ sales loss profit
Life Cycle growth rapid sales growth new competitors enter cost of aggressive promotion prices lowered promotion brand identity preference
declinematuritygrowthintro Life Cycle t $ sales loss profit
Life Cycle maturity industry sales level off market becomes more aggressive profits begin to decline late maturity some firms will be begin to leave market brand shake-outs promotion brand value
declinematuritygrowthintro Life Cycle t $ sales loss profit
Life Cycle decline product becomes obsolete sales drop promotion brand loyalty some firms may raise prices
Product Life R&D Life Death
Marketing So how do we get people to want to buy?
Sorting Out Terms Strategy Marketing Promotion Advertising Publicity Sales
All communication in business is an attempt to persuade someone of something. Sorting Out Terms Strategy Marketing Promotion »Advertising »Publicity Sales How can we thrive? How do we get people to want to buy? How can we get people to hear? buying space for our message getting our message out for free How can we get people to actually buy? So far as I can tell:
4 P’s of Marketing Neil Borden ProductPrice Place Promoti on target market
Brands the current obsession in business brand value brand positioning brand definition brand differentiation Be your own brand! A “brand” is what floats up in a person’s imagination when they hear your product’s name. The most useful definition I know:
Brand types National Licensed Private Generic
Brand types National Licensed Private Generic
Brand types National Licensed Private Generic
Brand types National Licensed Private Generic
Protection Trademark exclusive right to use a brand name Patent protects an invention Copyright exclusive rights to created work
Packaging Physical container May enhance product features sealed user-friendly Legally mandated
Labelling brand product contents benefits?
Labelling & Packaging blurring together
Promotion goals product awareness knowledge value preference purchase
Ad Name ImpressionsClicksCTR CPC Spent Business School in Fall? 242, Business School? 234, Dbl Major: Ag &; Business 6, Major Ag and Business 3, Joint Ag/Business Degree 3, Joint Ag/Business Degree 1 14, Joint Ag/Business Degree 2 8, Joint Ag/Business Degree 3 110, Joint Ag/Business Degree 4 3, Joint Ag/Business Degree 5 2, Joint Ag/Business Degree 6 1, Joint Ag/Business Degree 7 1, Joint Ag/Business Degree 8 3, Joint Ag/Business Degree 9 4, Joint Ag/Business Degree 10 53, New Bus + Ag Degree 28, New Bus + Ag Degree 1 131, New Bus + Ag Degree 2 40,
objectives information positioning added value sales volume mix advertising Yellow Pages newspapers magazines direct mail catalogues radio television Internet »click-through »search engine »or… outdoor sidewalk flyers skywriting strategies push pull personal selling door-to-door in-store word-of-mouth one-on-one sales promotion coupons POP displays purchase incentives »sales »premiums trade shows contests publicity Promotion Plan
objectives strategies mix
Promotion Plan objectives information positioning added value sales volume
Promotion Plan objectives strategies push pull
Promotion Plan objectives strategies mix depends on nature of product nature of audience budget
Promotion Plan objectives strategies mix advertising personal selling sales promotion publicity
Mix Advertising Yellow Pages Newspapers Magazines Direct mail Catalogues Radio Television Internet click-through search engine or… Outdoor Sidewalk flyers Skywriting
Mix Advertising Yellow Pages Newspapers Magazines Direct mail Catalogues Radio Television
Mix Advertising Internet click-through search engine or… Outdoor Sidewalk flyers Skywriting
Mix Advertising Personal selling Sales promotion Publicity
Mix Personal Selling door-to-door in-store word-of-mouth one-on-one
Mix Promotions coupons POP displays purchase incentives sales premiums trade shows contests events
Mix Publicity news media free minimal control usually product focus
objectives information positioning added value sales volume mix advertising Yellow Pages newspapers magazines direct mail catalogues radio television Internet »click-through »search engine »or… outdoor sidewalk flyers skywriting strategies push pull personal selling door-to-door in-store word-of-mouth one-on-one sales promotion coupons POP displays purchase incentives »sales »premiums trade shows contests publicity Promotion Plan
Public Relations usually company focus image the company’s “brand”