Employment-Based Coverage: Is The Erosion in Coverage the Tipping Point? Paul Fronstin, Ph.D. Director, Health Research and Education Program Employee Benefit Research Institute Copyright© - Employee Benefit Research Institute Education and Research Fund, All rights reserved. The information contained herein is not to be construed as an attempt to provide legal, accounting, actuarial, or other such professional advice. Permission to copy or print a personal use copy of this material is hereby granted and brief quotations for the purposes of news reporting and education are permitted. Otherwise, no part of this material may be used or reproduced without permission in writing from EBRI-ERF.
2 Characterizations of the Employment-Based Health Benefits System Vanishing Employers are fleeing the system Employer-based health care is ending. It is dying in front of our very eyes Employer-based health coverage is melting away like a popsicle on the summer sidewalk
3 Percentage of Employers With Employees Offering Health Benefits, Source: Kaiser Family Foundation.
4 Percentage of Employers With Employees Offering Health Benefits, Source: Kaiser Family Foundation.
5 Worker Eligibility and Take-Up Rates for Own Employer Health Benefits, Wage and Salary Workers Ages 18-64, Source: Employee Benefit Research Institute estimates based on data from the Current Population Survey.
6 Percentage of Workers, Ages 18-64, With Employment-Based Health Benefits,
7 Percentage of Workers, Ages 18-64, With Employment-Based Health Benefits,
8 Average Monthly Premiums for Employee-Only Coverage and Family Coverage, and CPI,
9 Distribution of Deductibles for Employee-Only PPO Coverage,
10 Distribution of Physician Office Visit Copayments, All Plan Types,
11 Average Co-Payment for Prescription Drugs,
12 Characterizations of the Employment-Based Health Benefits System Vanishing Employers are fleeing the system Employer-based health care is ending. It is dying in front of our very eyes Employer-based health coverage is melting away like a popsicle on the summer sidewalk
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