Unit 26 Arrival (到達機場 / arrive ). Key Vocabulary 1.directional sign 方向標誌 6.duty-free shop (機場內、 船上的)免稅商店 2. carousel (機場的)行李輸送帶 8. arrivals hall 入境大廳.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 26 Arrival (到達機場 / arrive )

Key Vocabulary 1.directional sign 方向標誌 6.duty-free shop (機場內、 船上的)免稅商店 2. carousel (機場的)行李輸送帶 8. arrivals hall 入境大廳 3. luggage cart 行李推車 9.moving sidewalk 電動步道 4. information booth 詢問處 10. declaration from 報關表格 5. immigration 移民調查局 11. luggage label 行李標籤

Key Vocabulary shuttle 接駁巴士 19. jet lag 由於時差 所造成的身心不適 13. customs officer 海關人員 20.time difference / time zone 時差時區 15. ground crew 地勤人員 21. car rental counter 租車櫃台 16. baggage claim area 行李領取處 21. car rental agency 租車公司 18. lost and found 失物招領處 22. contraband 走私品

P.350 Useful Expressions You can follow the directional signs to exit the airport. 您可遵照指示方向標誌離開機場。 Which carousel has the luggage or Flight 3042? 哪一條行李輸送帶是輸送班機編號 3042 機上的行 李?

P.356 Useful Expressions 2 It looks like I’ll need a second cart to carry all my luggage! 看起來我似乎需要第二台手推車來載行 李! Go down the escalator at the end of the hallway, and the baggage claim is on your left. 從走廊盡頭搭手扶梯下樓,左手邊就是行裡領取 處。

Sometimes you have to wait in a long lie at immigration. 有時候你得在移民局檢查站大排長龍。 We can go shopping at duty-free shops while waiting to board the plane. 我們可以在等待登機時去免稅商店購物。 Going through customs is easy if you have nothing to declare. 如果你沒有東西要申報,便很容易通關。 P.356 Useful Expressions 3

Situational Dialogue 1 (C→ Customs Officer; T→ Traveler) C: What will you be doing while here in Taiwan? T: Sightseeing (觀光), mostly. I’ve heard Taiwan is beautiful. My hotel’s address is on the disembarkation card (入境申請表).

Situational Dialogue 1 C: I see. How long will you be in Taiwan? T: Just a week. Can’t get too much of a good thing (好的東西太多了也會膩), you know! C: Yes. Do you have proof (證明) of your return flight details? T: Of course. I have them handy (在手邊). For some reason (不知道什麼原因), I thought you might ask for them. I’m scheduled to leave on the 28th. C: Very well. Have a nice stay.

Situational Dialogue 2 (C→ Clerk; P→ Passenger) C: Thank for buying our duty-free items (免稅 商品). Your total comes to NT$8,089. Would you like any of these gift- wrapped (包起來) ? P: No, but can I get a few extra small bags for the bottles (瓶) of perfume (香水) ?

Situational Dialogue 2 C: Here you are. Now, note (注意 / pay attention ) that the strawberry cake snacks have an expiration date (有效日 期) on the bottom of the box. They need to be consumed (吃掉 / eaten ) in the next six to ten days. P: Alright. Here’s NT$9,000. C: Here’s your change (零錢). Thanks for your purchase (購買).

Listening Practice Listen to the following conversation and write T (true) or F (false) in the blanks below. ____ 1. The agent wants to see the traveler’s boarding pass (登機證). ____ 2. The traveler has never been to a foreign (海外的) country before. ____ 3. The traveler is traveling only with a suitcase. ____ 4.Meat is not allowed (不允許 / permitted) to be brought (bring) into the country. ____ 5. The agent finds nothing illegal (違法的) in the traveler’s suitcase (行李箱).

P.359 Exercises ____1. Are you feeling very jet lagged (由於時差 所造成的身心不適) ? (A) My seat doesn’t have much legroom. (B) Very. It’s hard adjusting (適應) to the time difference. (C) Yes, I watched an in –flight movie (在飛行時播放的 電影). ____2. What will you be doing while you are here? (A) Sightseeing. (B) For A week. (C) In Taiwan. ____3. Is this all of your luggage? (A) I’m scheduled to leave next Sunday. (B) It’s on Carousel 7 (行李輸送帶). (C) Yes. I only have this carry-on bag (隨身行李).

Review :( A ) Listening Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks below. You’ll need to make your way to __________. Just follow the __________ __________. You’ll pick up your __________. Your bags will be at __________ 15. Before that, you’ll need to go through __________.

( B ) Matching 1.__directional signs 2.__carousel 3.__cart 4.__passport 5.__immingrati on 6.__duty-free shop 7.__arrivals hall 8.__moving sidewalk 9.__customs (a) the place travelers get their luggage after a flight (b) the place where you officially enter a country (c) what a person uses to know where to go (d) the thing people stand on to go down a long hall (e) the place where you say what you are bringing with you (f) identification (g) the first place a traveler goes in the new country (h) a thing used to move heavy items (i) a place that sells products without tax

(C) Writing directional signs declaration form cart passport immigration duty-free shops arrivals hall moving sidewalk customs (1) We can go shopping at __________ while we’re waiting to board the plane. (2) If your luggage is very heavy, it might be a good idea to use a __________. (3) I have a stamp in my __________ that says I can be in the country for 90 days. (4) The airport exit is far away from here, but it won’t take long if you use the __________. (5) The __________ officer might want to check your luggage.