The Progressives Problems & Solutions
Progressivism An early 20th century reform movement Four Major Goals: Return control of gov’t to the people Restore economic opportunity Correct injustices Moral improvement
The airshaft of a dumbbell tenement
Progressives & Solutions Jane Addams - settlement houses (Hull House) Cities: –Chlorination –Plumbing & ventilation (dumbbell tenements) –Sanitation, police, fire depts.. –Brick/stone buildings
Company Owners
Company laborers
Labor Problems Working conditions Long hours, low pay 12+ hours 6-7 days a week, 1899 women $269 a year, men $498 Carnegie $23 million no taxes “Yellow-dog” contracts- a contract between a worker and an employer in which, as a condition of employment, the worker agrees not to remain in or join a union. Injuries/death Child labor (2 million in 1910) %20 of boys full time jobs, %10 of girls
Labor Solutions Unions: –AFL (strikes) –Knights of Labor (arbitration) Muller v. Oregon (Supreme Court) State could legally limit women’s working hours Worker compensation Collective bargaining Keating Owen Act- prohibited the transportation of goods made with child labor across state lines
Public Health/Consumer Fraud
Progressives & Solutions Labels untruthful Wretched meat Contaminated products Commission to investigate Public criticism (The Jungle) Laws: –Meat Inspection Act –Pure Food & Drug Act
Business Practices Monopolies Trusts
Progressives & Solutions Ida Tarbell Trusts made illegal –Sherman Anti-Trust Act –Clayton Anti-Trust Act Govt. agencies created to be “watchdogs” –Interstate Commerce Commission –Federal Trade Commission Reduced tariffs (Underwood Tariff) Elkins Act- RR rebates Hepburn Act-free RR passes Income tax: 16th Amendment to the Constitution
Politics Corruption Patronage Graft
Progressives & Solutions “Political Machines” –Controlled jobs, licenses, bought votes, graft, kickbacks, bribery, hired friends Pendleton Act- civil service commission 17th Amendment- direct election of senators Robert La Follette State reforms: –Initiative- leg can be from people –Referendum- voted by people –recall
Progressives & Solutions Industrial waste Leveled forests Overgrazed plains Spoil dumps Flooding from timber ind. TR & John Muir –National Reclamation Act –National Parks –Wildlife Refuges
Anti-Suffrage Cartoon
Alice Paul
Progressives & Solutions No Votes for Afr-Am. –Literacy test, poll tax Jim Crow Laws Yield sidewalk Discrimination NAACP No Votes for Women Domestics, factories, clerks 19th Amendment
Were the Progressives Successful? Was the industrial revolution a “revolution”?