6 th Grade Lunch Procedures
Lunch Bell Students with a 5 th period class upstairs should drop their things in their 5th period room, and line up for lunch. They should be at a 0 voice level as they walk to lunch. We will take attendance when we return from lunch.
Entering the cafeteria Students with 5 th period downstairs will walk on the right side of the main hall. Students with 5 th period upstairs will walk on the left side of the main hall. Students will enter the cafeteria using the door marked with their team number. They will then “zipper” into one line once inside the cafeteria. Any student with a temp. ID should go directly to the bench near the cafeteria and once in the cafeteria they should go to the SHORTEST line to buy lunch.
Lunch Closing Signal Students should wait for a custodian to come by and then get up and PLACE their trash in the trash can (no throwing). They must then sit back at their table until they are dismissed by cafeteria monitors.
Inside Dismissal Students will exit the cafeteria by the same door through which they entered. 6-1/downstairs classes will walk on the left side of the back hall at voice level /upstairs classes will walk on the right side of the back hall at voice level 0. Once at the main stairs students with 5 th period upstairs should go right to their class and students with 5 th period downstairs should go down the stairs. Students should sit down outside of their 5 th period class and wait for their teacher to return.
Outside Return When we walk outside to return to class we will use the following procedure: 6-1/downstairs classes will exit through the back door on the right and use the sidewalk to go down the hill to the 6-1 entrance. 6-2/upstairs classes will exit through the back door on the left and walk around the building via the bus lane sidewalk and enter the building through the front entrance. Students are expected to remain in a line and on the sidewalk. Students should be in a single file line and at a voice level 0 once they enter the building.
Consequences If students choose not to follow any of these instructions they will be assigned a seat for the next day at the Champs Consequence Table and their parents will receive a phone call or from a teacher. Continued or more serious incidents may result in a regular teacher detention.
Back on Hallway Procedures One teacher will be left behind from each team to have students sit in front of their 5th period teachers’ doors (where we usually line up for entrance into their rooms). Students will patiently wait for their 5th period teacher to let them into their class.