East 169 Street & Third Avenue 24 children hit by vehicles in five years - tied for 4th most dangerous
View from Southwest Corner
CONFLICT ANALYSIS No Crosswalk at School Long & Straight Avenue 1 Lane into 3 Quick Right Turns Circuitous Crossing Path Safest Crossing Not Marked Downhill Blind Spot
Long & Wide
One to Three Lanes Truck parking at hydrant reduces visibility
Blind Spot
SHORT TERM ACTIONS Mid-block Crosswalk Leading Pedestrian Interval (delayed green) South Leg Ladder Crosswalk Stop Lines Clear Corner Zones (no parking) Speed Hump
MIDDLE TERM ACTIONS Striped Corner Extensions w/ Planters Straightened Crosswalk Two-way Left Turn Lane Striped Median at School
LONG TERM ACTIONS Raised Corner Extensions Narrowed East 169 St Raised Median
Location for proposed curb extension (these people would still be on a sidewalk)
Location for a Crosswalk to School ~ 900 ft. long block
Detail of Realigned Crosswalk and Median
LPI - first the people, then the cars East 96th Street and Madison Avenue, Manhattan
Set-back Stop Line Broadway & West 57 Street, Manhattan Curb Extension West 161 Street
Speed Humps Van Cortlandt Park South Grand Avenue off Burnside
Medians Main Street, Queens Clinton Street, Brooklyn Prospect Park SW, Brooklyn
Widened Sidewalk with double row of trees President Street, Brooklyn
Adopted Plantings and Planters Park Avenue, Manhattan Crosby Avenue Midland Avenue, Staten Island