As viewed by Post Carbon London 26 th May 2008
1. We do not need additional sources of CO 2 2.We need ‘community’ not drive thru 3. Peak Oil is an sustainability issue
The city needs a position on Climate Change How do we agree as a community to reduce CO 2 emissions- we need a position.... No further possible sources should be encouraged until there is a decision on the bigger picture.
At $140/ 159 Litres (L) per barrel = 0.88 cent/L; but at $200/barrel = $200/ barrel, add on the costs of refining and distributing as well as taxes, and pump prices could rise to $2.50/ L. What is a cup of coffee worth?
Whether it is the car parking or the drive thru, there are excessive CO2 emissions associated with a drive-thru cup of coffee. What the report focuses on is quantity, but the concern is really quality. What the report examines is just one case study, it avoids extrapolation of 100 drive-thrus. It is scale that impacts on quality and the report’s finding are too small in scale.
We have lost our ability to see the aggregate impact of our individual decisions on the sustainable development of our land, air and water, and more importantly, we have lost 'shared meaning' about the things that are important for our communities and ultimately our humanity. Ann Dale, Trudeau Fellow, Canada Research Chair, Professor, School of Environment and Sustainability, Royal Roads University
Post-Carbon recommends: 1. Moratorium on drive-thrus 2. Formation of official city position with respect to Climate change and Peak Oil