AWB Impact of Adding Bolts to Inner Leg Data extracted from HM Fan’s ANSYS Model of Composite Modular, TF and PF Coils Impact of Added Bolts assessed by Post Processing, not direct Modeling
AWB A B A C B C 0 of 7 bolts added at A – A joint 3 of 7 bolts added at B – A joint 3 of 3 bolts added at B – C joint A Per Tom Brown’s Study 3/17/06
bolts to inner leg3 A B C 0 of 7 bolts added at A – A joint 3 of 7 bolts added at B – A joint 3 of 3 bolts added at B – C joint A No problem with the 3 bolts as shown. These 3 bolts are in the clear, located on one side of the CL. If you need one for positioning, put one here. Per Tom Brown’s Study Updated 1/31/07
AWB Friction Enhancement Helps in Regions in Compression (Blue) Note: Above does not include effect of preload from added bolts CC2BC2AB2AAABBCCC
AWB All Results for 2T High Beta Scenario
AWB Shear Loads Components at IL of MCWF Flanges Max Shear Top/Bot is 590 KN (133 Klbs)
AWB Compression Over Inboard Region
AWB Adding Bolts to Inner Leg Reduces Required Coefficient of Friction to 0.45 Based on Bolt Preload of lb at 80K Need to Update for Minimum Expected Preload
AWB Again, All Results for 2T High Beta Scenario
AWB Maximum Coefficient of Friction Required Outboard is under 0.25 Based on Bolt Preload of lb at 80K
AWB Conclusions – Based on Bolt Averages over Regions – No Peaking Assumed If the coefficient of friction in the inboard region can be verifiably enhanced (ie with diamond grit) to 0.6 we should be OK and maintain the 0.15 margin the NCSX Design Requirements dictate. –At mu = 0.50, margin drops to 0.05 (ie 90% of Limit) If we can provide a coefficient of friction of 0.4 in the outboard region, we should again be OK and again maintain the 0.15 margin the NCSX Design Requirements dictate. If we can only provide a coefficient of friction of 0.3 in the outboard region, our margin is less but still positive, with the bolt shear capability providing some additional margin of safety (our belts and suspenders). –How do we fold this into criteria? Need to Understand Peaking due to gaps in bolting pattern
AWB Shim Identifications cc2t cc2b cct cc2int ccb ccint bc2tl bc2tru bc2trl bc2bru bc2int bc2brl bc2bl bcint bctl bctru bctrl bcbrl bcbl aaint aatl aabl aatr aabr ab2int ab2tl ab2tru ab2trl ab2br ab2bl abint abtl abtr abbru abbrl abbl -60 deg +60 deg 0 deg cc2inb bc2inb ab2inbaainb ccinb bcinb abinb