Www.dark-cosmology.dk/~pela Lyman  — The Great Escape Dark Cosmology Centre | Niels Bohr Institutet | Københavns Universitet DFS Annual Meeting 2009 Supervisors:


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Presentation transcript:

Lyman  — The Great Escape Dark Cosmology Centre | Niels Bohr Institutet | Københavns Universitet DFS Annual Meeting 2009 Supervisors: Anja C. Andersen & Jesper Sommer-Larsen

2 Ly  escape from high-z galaxies Why? What? How? Ly  is a powerful probe of the early Universe very

3 Ly  escape from high-z galaxies Why? What? How? Ly  is a powerful probe of the early Universe very

4 Ly  escape from high-z galaxies Analytical attempt (Neufeld 1990) Gas density and temperature Dust density and cross-section

5 Neufeld (1991); Hansen & Oh (2006) Multiphase medium? Ly  escape from high-z galaxies – Why does Ly  escape after all? Kunth et al. (1999); Verhamme et al. (2006); Östlin et al. (2008) Outflow? Tenori-Tagle et al. (1999); Mas-Hesse et al. (2003); Ionized holes? Kunth et al. (2003); Hayes et al. (2007)

6 Numerical approach Cosmological N-body + hydro simulation + Ly  RT on AMR grid with dust

7 Dust Four important quantities: Density: n d Cross-section:  d ( ) Albedo: A Phase function: P(  )

8 Dust Four important quantities: Density: n d Cross-section:  d ( ) Albedo: A Phase function: P(  )

9 Dust Pei (1991) + Weingartner & Draine (2001) + Gnedin et al. (2008) Four important quantities: Density: n d Cross-section:  d ( ) Albedo: A Phase function: P(  )

10 Dust Calzetti et al. (1995); Lillie et al. (1976); Li & Draine (2001) Four important quantities: Density: n d Cross-section:  d ( ) Albedo: A Phase function: P(  )

11 Monte Carlo In each cell: L Ly , T, v bulk, n HI, n HII, Z C,N,O,Mg,Si,S,Ca,Fe

12 Monte Carlo In each cell: L Ly , T, v bulk, n HI, n HII, Z C,N,O,Mg,Si,S,Ca,Fe Emit photon

13 Emit photon Monte Carlo In each cell: L Ly , T, v bulk, n HI, n HII, Z C,N,O,Mg,Si,S,Ca,Fe Propagate thru ISM

14 Monte Carlo In each cell: L Ly , T, v bulk, n HI, n HII, Z C,N,O,Mg,Si,S,Ca,Fe Propagate thru ISM Interact with gas or dust Emit photon

15 Monte Carlo In each cell: L Ly , T, v bulk, n HI, n HII, Z C,N,O,Mg,Si,S,Ca,Fe Interact with gas or dust New  and ñ Propagate thru ISM Emit photon

16 Monte Carlo In each cell: L Ly , T, v bulk, n HI, n HII, Z C,N,O,Mg,Si,S,Ca,Fe New  and ñ Scatter/absorb Interact with gas or dust Propagate thru ISM Emit photon

17 Monte Carlo In each cell: L Ly , T, v bulk, n HI, n HII, Z C,N,O,Mg,Si,S,Ca,Fe Scatter/absorbNew ñ New  and ñ Interact with gas or dust Propagate thru ISM Emit photon

18 Monte Carlo In each cell: L Ly , T, v bulk, n HI, n HII, Z C,N,O,Mg,Si,S,Ca,Fe ✞ Scatter/absorbNew ñ New  and ñ Interact with gas or dust Propagate thru ISM Emit photon

19 Monte Carlo In each cell: L Ly , T, v bulk, n HI, n HII, Z C,N,O,Mg,Si,S,Ca,Fe Escape ✞ Scatter/absorbNew ñ New  and ñ Interact with gas or dust Propagate thru ISM Emit photon

20 Results Surface brightness map

21 Results Surface brightness profile

22 Results Surface brightness profile: dust helps to make profile look more extended

23 Results Spectrum

24 Results f esc (M vir )

25 Songaila (2004) IGM transmission z = 6.3 z = 5.7 z = 3.6

26 IGM transmission

27 IGM transmission z = 6.3 z = 5.7 z = 3.6

28 Summary Many factors help facilitating the escape of Ly  Spectrum affected in a highly non- grey fashion f esc decreases with increasing M vir Dust makes SB profile even more extended Problem can be inversed: Predict results of future observations (e.g. Ultra-VISTA) You cannot escape the raptor

29 Summary Many factors help facilitating the escape of Ly  Spectrum affected in a highly non- grey fashion f esc decreases with increasing M vir Dust makes SB profile even more extended Problem can be inversed: Predict results of future observations (e.g. Ultra-VISTA) You cannot escape the raptor

30 Summary Many factors help facilitating the escape of Ly  Spectrum affected in a highly non- grey fashion f esc decreases with increasing M vir Dust makes SB profile even more extended Problem can be inversed: Predict results of future observations (e.g. Ultra-VISTA) You cannot escape the raptor

31 Summary Many factors help facilitating the escape of Ly  Spectrum affected in a highly non- grey fashion f esc decreases with increasing M vir Dust makes SB profile even more extended Problem can be inversed: Predict results of future observations (e.g. Ultra-VISTA) You cannot escape the raptor

32 Summary Many factors help facilitating the escape of Ly  Spectrum affected in a highly non- grey fashion f esc decreases with increasing M vir Dust makes SB profile even more extended Problem can be inversed: Predict results of future observations (e.g. Ultra-VISTA) You cannot escape the raptor