EuroCRIS Best Practices & Solutions Members Helping Members Move Forward
Rationale Does your institution have a practice related to managing or using current research information systems (CRIS) that has solved a challenge you were facing or that has proved to be especially effective in improving some aspect of CRIS? Or perhaps you have a challenge for which your colleagues at other institutions may have already found an effective solution, and you'd like to find that solution? Through our database on Best Practices and Solutions, EuroCRIS indexes such best practices and solutions and makes them accessible through an easy-to-use interface. You can contribute your best practices and solutions through this site, as well as access the practices and solutions that have been contributed to the service to see if one of them can be of help to you. This service is member-driven; its success depends on your willingness to share your successes with your colleagues to save them time and resources. The more practices contributed to the service, the more valuable it will become So please think about the practices you have implemented that have made a difference, and take a little time to share these with your colleagues now. We also welcome your comments and suggestions to help us develop the service further. If you have questions, please contact
Technology CERIF-compliant relational database, linked to CERIF-compliant EuroCRIS members database Web interface for users and contributors Software Requirements (KGJ) Hardware Requirements (KGJ)
Logistics Timetable Costs Project Leader Development Team Computer Host
Database Content Contributors will need to provide the following information that best describes their best practice / solution: 1.Title of the best practice or solution 2.A brief description of the challenge that led to your practice/solution 3.A brief description of the practice/solution 4.A brief list of benefits of the practice/solution 5.An estimate of the costs of implementing the practice/solution (including person hours) 6.Your assessment of how replicable the practice/solution is (on a scale of 1-5) 7.A list of up to five URLs where information about the practice/solution can be found Contributors will also be asked to check up to three topics that your practice / solution addresses in a grid provided for this purpose. Finally, additional comments about the practice/solution may be added, which will appear in the public service.
Fields Best Practice / Solution Title Institution Date Submitted Date Approved/Authorized Date Updated Subject Terms
Fields The Challenge / Problem The Solution Benefits Realized Cost (Money and Other Resources) Portability / Applicability URL(’s) – To remote site – To online full-text documentation
Fields Contact Person Title Office Tel Fax URL
Search Facility Simple Search – One text box for free-text search Advanced Search – By Subject Term (controlled list) – By Institution (controlled list, dynamic) – By Country (controlled list, dynamic) – All Time Constraint
Subject Terms – A Thru C Academic Information Systems Acceptable Use / Ethics Policies Administrative Systems Advising Systems Applications Development Budgets Catalog Model Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) Computer Abuse Current Research Information System (CRIS) Customer Service
Subject Terms – D Data Administration Databases Desktop Computing Management Disability Access Distributed File System Distributed Support
Subject Terms – E Thru H Lists Electtronic Discussion Electronic Journals Electronic Records Management Electronic Resources Enterprise Portals Ethical Training Expert System Expertise Database Faculty Computing Support Faculty Technology Development Funding Opportunities Database GRIDS Handheld Computers
Subject Terms – I Thru M Information Access Management IT - Library Collaboration IT Funding IT Staffing IT Strategic Planning Knowledge Management Laptops Learning Strategies Licensing Metadata
Subject Terms – O Thru R Open Source Operational Planning Organizational Structure Partnerships / Collaboration Patents Database Personalized (customized) Information Delivery Planning Portals [vortals] Products Database Project Database Project Management Publications Database RDF
Subject Terms – S Thru T Search Engine Security Management Security Policies Semantic Web Staffing Standards Student IT Competencies Support Services Surveys Team Management Technology Advisory Committees Technology Fees Thesaurus / Ontology / Controlled Vocabulary Training
Subject Terms – U Thru Z Ubiquitous Computing Vendor Partnerships Viruses Web Administration Web Content Management Web-based Information Systems Wireless Technology XML Z39.50
Comments This idea is borrowed HEAVILY from