Lees Corner PTA Treasurer’s Report February 4, 2014
Result Highlights thru Jan 2014 Thru 2/5/2014 Hallowingo net $3,370 compared to budget of $3,350 Book Fair $3,846 (to be given to LCES) Box Top Income $1,186 (vs. FY budget of $2,120) Dining Out Income - $300 Zinga’s; McDonald’s $350; and Chik-fil-A $945 (donation directly to LCES) Paid certain Cultural Arts Events - $715 Mad Science; Reptiles Alive $403 Teacher Appreciation Lunch $500 Paid insurance $277 Hosted first SURF event $25
Detailed Results 7/1/2013 thru 2/4/ Results ProposedTo DateVariance SOURCES OF INCOME PTA Dues Income, net4,8743,442(1,432) Donations, net445421(24) Friends of Lees Corner, net000 TrackAThon Inc (net exp & donation to school)4,9800(4,980) Hallowingo Income, net3,3503, Spirit Wear Income, Net Dining Out Nights Income, Net2,800650(2,150) Grocery Receipts, Net060 Box Tops Income, Net2,1201,186(934) French Club Income0380 Book Fair Income03,846 6th Grade Basketball Game Income, Net2,5620(2,562) School Supplies Income, Net000 TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS21,72814,272(7,456)
Detailed Results 7/1/2013 thru 2/4/ Results ProposedTo DateVariance COMMITTEE EXPENSES Family Fun Night Expenses500(50) Grounds Beautification Expense1,1000(1,100) Cultural Arts Expense3,500345(3,155) Cafeteria Cleanliness Expense9000(900) Girls on the Run Expense400190(210) 6th Grade Luncheon Expense1,60050(1,550) 6th Grade Class Gift000 SURF Expense25025(225) Chess Club, net000 Teacher App - BTS Lunch Expense500438(63) Teacher App - Fall Lunch Expense5000(500) Teacher App - Gifts/Lunch Expense1,000500(500) Mad Science Expense052 TOTAL COMMITTEE EXPENSES9,8001,599(8,201)
Detailed Results 7/1/2013 thru 2/4/ Results ProposedTo DateVariance OVERHEAD EXPENSES Admin Expense1000(100) Bonds and Insurance350277(73) Bank Charges25012(238) Supplies Expense10055(45) Tax Preparation Fees2000(200) TOTAL OVERHEAD EXPENSES1,000344(656) OTHER EXPENSES Bully Prevention6000(600) Gifts Given3000(300) Principal Flex Fund6000(600) Teacher Stipends ($25 each)2,500 0 PBIS Expenses25030(220) Field Trips Expenses5,5000(5,500) Minority Achievement Expenses1000(100) Teacher Training Expenses2,5000(2,500) TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES12,3502,530(9,820)
Detailed Results 7/1/2013 thru 2/4/2014 Receipt of membership dues and donations at the beginning of the year have us in a cash positive status Results ProposedTo DateVariance TOTAL SOURCES OF FUNDS21,72814,272(7,456) TOTAL COMMITTEE EXPENSES9,8001,599(8,201) TOTAL OVERHEAD EXPENSES1,000344(656) TOTAL OTHER EXPENSES12,3502,530(9,820) TOTAL USES OF FUNDS23,1504,473(18,677) NET SOURCE/(USE) OF FUNDS(1,422)9,79911,221
Other Items VA Sales Tax – Please present our exemption when purchasing items on behalf of the PTA. We are not supposed to be reimbursing for funds spent toward VA sales tax. Deposit and Reimbursement Forms are on the website. Please completed forms in the PTA Treasurer’s Box. Please put any cash in the school safe (Ruth in the Office manages the safe). Please submit any outstanding expense reimbursements for completed events as soon as possible.