An introduction to Theatre History Objectives: To know the significant periods in Theatre History To understand a range of theatrical styles and genres To develop a basic understanding of Theatre History
Overview 600AD-300BC – was about the origins of theatre 12th -14th century was about the role of religion and morality 16th-17th century was about the writer and the story 18th-19th Century was about the actor and the performance 20th- today was about the director and taking risks
Greek Theatre 600BC to 300BC Influences Most of the plays in Greek times were based around the religious festivals. Playwrights would compete to be allowed to put play on Performance venues Amphitheatre. An arena style stage Audience Everyone went to the theatre
Greek Theatre 600BC to 300BC Characteristics of Greek theatre No Women on stage Use of a Chorus Actors wore masks Only 3 actors on stage Performed in the open air Playwrights of Greek theatre Aeschylus Sophocles Euripides Aristophanes
Medieval Theatre 12th -14th Century Characteristics Centred on religious themes teaching the illiterate audience stories from the bible. Actors portrayed concepts and morals rather then characters. E.g. The play Everyman where the central character represented all of mankind. Plays 3 main types of plays: The passion plays, The morality plays, the Cycle plays. Type of stage The performances would travel round to the different villages to perform on a wagon stage. This held elaborate staging and scenery.
Renaissance Theatre 14th-16th century Characteristics Renaissance means new birth – it heralded the development of the arts and literature Performed in theatres using an amphitheatre style stage - no roof All male actors Renaissance also included the Elizabethan Period – Shakespeare’s time. Everyone went to the theatre as there was little other entertainment. Theatre was censored – the plays had to have a licence and deemed to be suitable for a public audience by the Lord Chamberlain
Renaissance Theatre 14th-16th century Playwrights of the day Shakespeare Marlowe Audiences They were an aural audience who expected complex storylines Where they sat depended on their wealth. The theatres were open air and a thrust stage Influences Today Many of Shakespeare's plays are still popular and performed today.
Commedia Dell’ Arte 16th Century Characteristics: Developed in Italy Physical type of improvisational theatre that uses dance, music, tumbling, acrobatics and buffoonery. Commedia dell'arte troupes had a repertoire of stories that they performed in fairgrounds and market places. Commedia spread across Europe from Italy to France and by the middle of the 17th century began to be popular in England
Commedia Dell’ Arte 16th Century Stock characters had set movements and gestures that represented his or her personality. The ‘old man’ (Pantalone); naughty servants including Arlecchino; a lover, his lady and her servant girl, clown or Pierrot character. Actors wore costumes that depicted their character. Originally they also wore leather half masks over their faces. Actors did not have a script but would improvise within the outline of a story. Stories were often satirical and would poke fun at contemporary issues or ideas
Restoration 17th – 18th Century Characteristics 1642 theatres closed in England After a period of about 10 years theatres were re-opened. Women were now allowed to perform on stage Theatres were now indoors Theatre was no longer about Kings, heroes and tragedies they were about issues important to the wealthy social classes
Restoration 17th – 18th Century Acting Style The acting was flamboyant and over the top There were stock movements and reactions for the different emotions This resulted in stock characters – characters were portrayed as types rather then as individuals During this period Pantomime became popular. Based on Commedia dell’arte. They became associated with Christmas and stories were often repeated. Type of stage Proscenium arch, a raised stage we traditionally see today.
Pantomime Characteristics The leading male juvenile character (the "principal boy") - traditionally played by a young woman. An older woman (the pantomime dame - often the hero's mother) is usually played by a man in drag. The animal, played by an actor in "animal skin" or animal costume. A slapstick comedy routine may be performed. Use of audience participation
Melodrama 18th-20th Century Characteristics: Melodrama became popular from the 1780s to 1790s and lasted until the early 20th century. ‘Melodrama’ consisted of short scenes interspersed with musical accompaniment and was characterized by simple morality, good and evil characters and overblown acting style. Characters in melodrama were stereotypical - there was always a villain, a wronged maiden and a hero. The emotions of the actors were played out in the music and accompanied by dramatic tableaux.
Naturalism 19th-20th Century Characteristics: In the late 1800’s came the movement Naturalism. The aim was to portray real life through real characters. Characters became complex and were inspired by real life situations. Audience wanted to recognise and understand why characters reacted as they did on stage. The famous practitioner Stanislavski developed ‘The System’. Exercises showed the actor how to create a realistic character
Experimental Theatre 20th Century In 1960 theatre was no longer censored this led to a new wave in theatre. Theatre began to take more risks e.g the stories they dealt with and the themes they chose. Theatre also found new mediums: Radio Cinema Television This also meant more competition for an audience. Stages began to change Theatre in the round Traverse Promenade.
Theatre Today 21st Century Age of choice? Realistic dramas reflecting real life Experimental theatre e.g. DV8, Frantic Assembly Physical Theatre e.g. Complicite, Lecoq Total Theatre e.g. Berkoff, Brook Musical Theatre e.g. Broadway and West End musicals Street Theatre e.g. Carnival, Clowning Epic Theatre e.g. Brecht Absurd Theatre e.g. Stoppard, Beckett