g2p/GEp Beamline Tim Michalski Project Lead
Overview Facilitate the design, procurement, and build of the beamline – up to the target chamber g2p/GEp Beamline Overview Experimental Plan Project Overview Project Status Project Challenges with Risk Mitigation Project Schedule and Milestones
Beamline Overview A second configuration will have the target at the pivot and a longer articulating arm.
Experimental Plan Run # Bam Energy Beam Current Target AngleTarget LocationSepta MagnetDump Target MaterialTarget fieldComments uA2087 cm upstreamN/A Hall A DumpN/A0.0Straight Thru Beam at nominal height nA9087 cm upstreamg2pYes - 6 degLocal DumpNH35.1 T nA max9087 cm upstreamg2pYes - 6 degLocal DumpCarbon(?)5.1 TThru Target(?) - Optics nA2087 cm upstreamGEpYes - 6 degLocal DumpNH35.1 T uA2087 cm upstreamN/A Hall A DumpN/A0.0Straight Thru Beam at nominal height nA2087 cm upstreamGEpYes - 6 degLocal DumpNH32.5 T nA9087 cm upstreamg2pYes - 6 degLocal DumpNH32.5 T nA max9087 cm upstreamg2pYes - 6 degLocal DumpCarbon(?)2.5 TThru Target(?) - Optics uA2087 cm upstreamN/A Hall A DumpN/A0.0Straight Thru Beam at nominal height nA9087 cm upstreamg2pYes - 6 degLocal DumpNH32.5 T nA max9087 cm upstreamg2pYes - 6 degLocal DumpCarbon(?)2.5 TThru Target(?) - Optics nA2087 cm upstreamGEpYes - 6 degLocal DumpNH32.5 T nA2087 cm upstreamG2pYes- 6 degLocal DumpNH35.1TTarget nominal height nA9087 cm upstreamg2pYes - 6 degLocal DumpNH35.1 TTarget nominal height uAN/A87 cm upstreamN/A Hall A DumpN/A0.0Straight Thru Beam at nominal height nA087 cm upstreamg2pYes - 6 degHall A DumpNH35.1 TLongitudinal target polarization run nA9087 cm upstreamg2pYes - 6 degLocal DumpNH35.1 T nA max9087 cm upstreamg2pYes - 6 degLocal DumpCarbon(?)5.1 TThru Target(?) - Optics uAN/AAt pivotN/A Hall A DumpN/A0.0Straight Thru Beam at nominal height nA90At pivotg2pNo degLocal DumpNH35.1 T nA max90At pivotg2pNo degLocal DumpCarbon(?)5.1 TThru Target(?) - Optics nA90At pivotGEpNo degLocal DumpNH35.1 T *** nA90At pivotNo – 12.5 degLocal DumpN/A2.5 TOptics Transform uAN/AAt pivotN/A Hall A DumpN/A0.0Straight Thru Beam at nominal height nA90At pivotg2pNo degLocal DumpNH35.1 T nA max90At pivotg2pNo degLocal DumpCarbon(?)5.1 TThru Target(?) - Optics nA90At pivotGEpNo degLocal DumpNH35.1 T *** - FZ1 and FZ2 in position for 2.2 GeV run, but with half field strength on FZs and Target magnets Rev 3
Run Trajectories FZ1 FZ2 Target FZ1 FZ2 Target
Region 1
Slow Raster/Calorimeter Stand
Regions 2 and 3
Upside Down Girder – Region 2
FZ1 Magnet Stand – Region 3
Viewer – Region 3
Beam Diagnostics Girder “Articulating Arm” – Region 3
Project Overview Design, procurement, component calibration and testing –Now through May, 2011 –Some components arrive after May Access to Hall A for installation –May 16, 2011 Installation completion – start of Physics –November 19, 2011
Project Status Regions 1 and 2 designs complete and material ordered Region 3 design complete – procurement under way Calorimeter controller repaired and SW upgrades complete I&C electronics designed and being built New Transport electronics being built for existing BPMs in Hall A Safety systems for experiment reviewed Resource planning integrated into 6MSD schedule
Project Challenges BPMs and BCMs for Low Current data –Mitigation BPM – short M15 style, new electronics, tested in North LINAC BCM – new receiver, tested in Hall A FZ Magnet PS requirements evolving –Need up to 4 kG, requiring 231A for FZ1 –Need up to 8 kG, requiring 465A for FZ2 –Mitigation – assessed capabilities of magnet power supplies in Hall C – meet requirements – assembling spares
Project Challenges Acquisition of equipment from various sources –FZ magnets, corrector magnets, slow raster, new BPMs, power supplies, controllers –Mitigation – get control as soon as possible, test and calibrate early (before installation) Resurrection of Tungsten Calorimeter –Reposition in beamline, re-establish functionality, recalibrate –Mitigation – Controller extracted from Hall A, repaired, SW complete
Project Challenges Slow Raster control issues in previous experiment –Mitigation – New function generator – Testing in Progress by Physics Fast Electronics Group Installation at the same time as 12 GeV upgrades during 6 month down –Mitigation – tied to detailed 6MSD planning – all resources identified in schedules – have ~3 weeks float
Project Challenges Not all material for installation on site yet –Mitigation –FZ2 Stand procurement being managed – potential impact to 6MSD installation reviewed –Viewer and Articulating Arm Girder / Positioning – manage through Machine Shop and local vendors
Safety – PSS / FSD Uses standard BLA system components Monitoring FZ magnet PS current – limits set to ensure beam is controlled successfully through the chicane FSD masking for Calorimeter Operation Viewer in chicane – allows MCC Operators to view beam for steering confirmation Thermocouples on LC dump Viewer on LC dump – allows MCC Operators to view beam for steering confirmation Update PSS sweep procedure as required after walk- through, equipment installation “Lock Out” FZ2 stand control – remove controller
Beamline Installation Schedule
Beamline Installation Milestones