Inclusive Disaster Risk Management in the Philippines
I. Historical Experience 1. Mainstreaming Disability into Disaster Risk Management Initiatives in Indonesia & Philippines/Bicol project ( June 2010 – October 2011) 2. Scale Up, Build Up (SUBU) ( June 1, 2012 – November 30, 2013) I
3. Mainstreaming Disability & Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in DRR activities in Mindanao /Bopha project ( June 1, 2012 – November 30, 2013) 4. Scaling Up Resilience in Government (SURGE) (April 1, 2014 – January 31, 2015) ongoing I. Historical Experience
II. Project Results Bicol project: The number of persons with disabilities engaged in DRRM activities increased Key DRM stakeholders in the Philippines & Indonesia, specifically, NGOs experienced enhanced knowledge and skills in DRR and are now able to mainstream disability into their DRR activities
II. Project Results SUBU project: LGUs and partner organizations gain technical knowledge and skills in disability inclusive DRR 7 are able to mainstream inclusive DRR in local development plans & school improvement plans Support for disability inclusion increased by linking DPOs w/ LGUs for networking & advocacy
II. Project Results Bopha project affected vulnerable communities in Compostella Valley are able to conduct disability inclusive DRR activities LGU, NGO & INGO representatives are able to mainstream disability inclusive DRR thru the technical knowledge and skills they gained Capacities of persons with disabilities have increased due to DRR measures
III. Good practices and tools in inclusive DRM to share BICOL project 1. Training modules 2. ‘Lessons Learned’ printed material 3. Support mechanisms 4. Testing disaster preparedness plans and EWS
III. Good practices and tools in inclusive DRM to share SUBU project 1. Inclusive Early Warning Systems 2. Personal Preparedness Kits 3. Community awareness campaign by schools 4. First aid training & search & rescue training 5. Mobilized 25 pool of trainers & 5 DPO officers 6. IEC materials from consortium partners
III. Good practices and tools in inclusive DRM to share BOPHA project 1. HCVA hazard, vulnerability and capacity assessment 2. Enhancing contingency plans to be more inclusive 3. Early Warning Systems 4. Emergency response activities
Prospects for Inclusive DRM for HI in the Philippines 1. DRRM project being drafted will work with: National government agencies National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) Office of the Civil Defense (OCD) National Council for Disability Affairs (NCDA) Local government units (LGUs) Persons with disability
Prospects for Inclusive DRM for HI in the Philippines Training manual of NDRRMC – OCD will be enhanced & made disability inclusive Training of trainers for NGAs and persons with disability Training of LGUs
Prospects for Inclusive DRM for HI in the Philippines 2. Two livelihood project have DRRM component thru: DRRM trainings DRRM disability inclusive plans Search and rescue, evacuation mock drills are made disability inclusive Asset protection thru DRRM measures
Prospects for Inclusive DRM for HI in the Philippines 3. LRRD – DRRM project between DAD & DAU proposed disability inclusive DRRM awareness raising proposed asset protection plans 4. DRR component in other ongoing projects – to link with Baras Livelihood project