AMC GIR 2/19/2010UCD Finance Office1
GAR & GIR Auxiliary Funds – 20, 26, 28, 29 Rather than charging one rate to Auxiliaries like we do for sponsored agreements, we split it between an administrative rate and a facilities rate. (GAR & GIR) 2/19/2010UCD Finance Office2
GIR General Infrastructure Recharge (GIR ) The facilities rate is allocated based on assignable square feet (ASF) – an average cost/sq ft is calculated Each Auxiliary using 100 sq feet or more is charged for space 2/19/2010UCD Finance Office3
GIR Facility Cost Pools Building Maintenance and Repair Utilities Water/Sewer Police Grounds Maintenance 2/19/2010UCD Finance Office4
GIR Popular question - Isn’t it a double dipping since you recover these costs thru F&A charge? Answer is NO. Facilities costs are allocated to cost pools such as Instruction, Organized Research (OR), and Other Institutional Activities (OIA) based on the function of the space. 2/19/2010UCD Finance Office5
Continues… The portion of the Facility cost driven by auxiliary spaces gets allocated to OIA pool. That share is not recovered thru F&A recovery since it’s not a part of the F&A rate. It is recovered thru we called “GIR”. 2/19/2010UCD Finance Office6
GIR Contact Information Nara Shagdar Or Diane Roche /19/2010UCD Finance Office7