1 Agenda District Board of Church Location and Building Meeting Objective To bring District up to date with renovation of Annex (complete) To receive constructive review of Master Plan latest developments for phases 2 thru 7, specifically phase 2, Sanctuary renovation Gain District agreement to proceed depending on results of capital campaign Background What brings us to this point Project Details What we plan to do 9/11/10
1 The Purpose of a Master Plan Anderson Hills United Methodist Church The Purpose of a Master Plan A Plan/Road Map for Managing our facilities so we can: Address problems and opportunities so facilities are used optimally per our mission and vision. Anticipate maintenance and growth needs Recognition that we can ’ t address all needs at once so we must create a segmented plan for the needed changes A way to systematically and strategically address growth needs for our facilities (good stewardship) vs. disjointed/uncoordinated problem solving (poor stewardship)
2 Motivation For Project Anderson Hills United Methodist Church Motivation For Project Recommitted To Our Mission To glorify God and make disciples for Jesus Christ Defined Our Vision Equips Christians for ministry to carry our Mission into their communities through worship, fellowship, discipleship, ministry and evangelism. Set Strategic Priorities Environment for Discipleship New Generations Consulted with Easum Bandy & Associates Fine tune strategies to support Ministries (June 2007) Follow-up review (May 2009) New Renewed Faith Communities Serving Targeted Communities
3 Implications On Our Facilities Update Master Plan Enhance Sanctuary Contemporary Worship Center Enlarge Welcome Center Consolidate church administration Centralize entrance to and increase capacity for Family & Student Ministry Obtain more parking Moving Forward Re-verified needs assessment assumptions Capital Campaign Pay off Annex Mortgage Identify priority needs and implement Master Plan as funding permits Motivation For Project Anderson Hills United Methodist Church Motivation For Project
4 Master Plan Future Current
5 Appendix Master Plan by Segments
7 Master Plan by Ministry
10 Master Plan
11 Master Plan South Entrance looking North
13 Master Plan Next Steps? Engage an Architect to develop Preliminary Plans & Cost Estimate for Segments 2 through 7 Obtain funding thru Capital Campaign Building Committee gains District agreement to proceed depending on results of Capital Campaign Hold Congregational meeting (2 nd ) to vote on moving ahead Charge Conference approves preliminary plans and cost Complete Construction Documents and Construction Bids on Phases approved by Charge Conference Obtain Construction Bids Building Committee gains District Agreement Hold Congregational (3 rd ) meeting to vote on moving ahead Charge Conference approves construction plans and cost
16 Next Steps? Execute Phase 2 thru 7 fund raising (no mortgage) Engage an Architect to develop Preliminary Plans & Cost Estimate for Phases 2 through 7 Building Committee gains District agreement to proceed depending on results of capital campaign Hold Congregational meeting (2 nd ) to vote on moving ahead Charge Conference approves preliminary plans and cost Complete Construction Documents and Construction Bids on Phases approved by Charge Conference Obtain Construction Bids Building Committee gains District Agreement Hold Congregational (3 rd ) meeting to vote on moving ahead Charge Conference approves construction plans and cost