Please have this Slide up immediately before the service begins – and leave it up till the first song starts
Please do not advance to next slide The next slide is the Bible and the text we are coving for today. Jim will advance to it and he does not always do it right away.
Calvary Kids Club Kids and the Youth are welcome to make their way on back to the Children’s classrooms ~The Lord bless!!!
Acts 10 Acts 11 Acts 12 Acts 13 Cornelius saved…gentiles begin Cornelius gets a vision Peter gets a vision Spirit speaks directly to Peter Spirit falls on the taught, Peter agrees with Peter Explains Acts 10 God hand – many saved Barnabas saw grace of God, encouraged Agabas prophesies Persecution – James & Peter Peter released supernaturally, thru prayer Herod killed by God 1st Missionary Journey begins Spirit sends Paul and Barnabas out
Acts 10 Acts 11 Acts 12 Acts 13 Cornelius saved…gentiles begin Cornelius gets a vision Peter gets a vision Spirit speaks directly to Peter Spirit falls on the taught, Peter agrees with Peter Explains Acts 10 God hand – many saved Barnabas saw grace of God, encouraged Agabas prophesies Persecution – James & Peter Peter released supernaturally, thru prayer Herod killed by God 1st Missionary Journey begins Spirit sends Paul and Barnabas out
Acts 10 Acts 11 Acts 12 Acts 13 Cornelius saved…gentiles begin Cornelius gets a vision Peter gets a vision Spirit speaks directly to Peter Spirit falls on the taught, Peter agrees with Peter Explains Acts 10 God hand – many saved Barnabas saw grace of God, encouraged Agabas prophesies Persecution – James & Peter Peter released supernaturally, thru prayer Herod killed by God 1st Missionary Journey begins Spirit sends Paul and Barnabas out
Acts 4:36 And Joses, who was also named Barnabas by the apostles (which is translated Son of Encouragement)
Exhorts = παρακαλέω [parakaleo] παρά [para] – with, alongside καλέω [kaleo] – call, call to one Lit – call to one alongside ie – to encourage, exhort, comfort
Barnabas and Saul. (Ac 11:30) Paul and Barnabas (Ac 13:43) Paul and Barnabas (Ac 13:50)
Paul-1st Missionary Journey © 1st Missionary Journey Paul-1st Missionary Journey Acts 13 & 14 Modern Day Turkey Antioch (Pisidian) Iconium Perga Lystra Attalia Derbe This shows the first missionary journey of Paul as described in Acts chapters 13 and 14. Antioch Mediterranean Sea Seleucia Paphos Salamas Cyprus Satellite Image - NASA
Paul-1st Missionary Journey © 1st Missionary Journey Paul-1st Missionary Journey Acts 13 & 14 Modern Day Turkey Antioch (Pisidian) Iconium Perga Lystra Attalia Derbe This shows the first missionary journey of Paul as described in Acts chapters 13 and 14. Antioch Mediterranean Sea Seleucia Paphos Salamas Cyprus Satellite Image - NASA
Paul-1st Missionary Journey © 1st Missionary Journey Paul-1st Missionary Journey Acts 13 & 14 Modern Day Turkey Antioch (Pisidian) Iconium Perga Lystra Attalia Derbe This shows the first missionary journey of Paul as described in Acts chapters 13 and 14. Antioch Mediterranean Sea Seleucia Jerusalem Paphos Salamas Cyprus Satellite Image - NASA
Paul’s 2nd Missionary Journey
Please have this Slide up immediately before the service begins – and leave it up till the first song starts