VISION To be recognized as the leading school of health professions – shaping the future of healthcare.
MISSION To improve health care through teaching, research and translation of discoveries into practice in partnership with the UAB community.
VALUES Accountability Diversity Excellence Innovation/Creativity Integrity/Ethical behavior Professional behavior
GOAL #1 To ensure that SHRP programs are exceptional in preparing students to provide professional services, lead, and conduct research.
Objectives Recruit and retain students who are well-qualified, intellectually curious and diverse Offer curricula of superior academic quality that meets the needs of a diverse student population Offer high quality instruction, advising and student services Increase scholarship, fellowship and stipend funds Expand opportunities for international study and scholarship
DRAFT – SHRP Scorecard Goal 1 – Graduate and Professional Education University Metrics Enrollment Graduation Rate % Minority Fellowships Scholarship Payments Average GRE Doctorates Awarded # Students Studying Abroad
DRAFT – SHRP Scorecard Goal 1 – Graduate and Professional Education Additional School Metrics Credentialing Exam Pass Rates Average GPA Top 20 Programs # Applicants/Slot # Students with External Scholarly Accomplishments Credit Hour Production
GOAL # 2 To be the recognized leader in health professions research and scholarship.
Objectives Increase research funding and scholarly productivity Establish research accountability benchmarks Improve research infrastructure Determine priorities for strategic investments in research infrastructure, programs and faculty
DRAFT – SHRP Scorecard Goal 2 – Research and Scholarship University Metrics Total Grants/Contracts Federal Non-Federal Books Monographs Publications in Refereed Journals
DRAFT – SHRP Scorecard Goal 2 – Research and Scholarship School Metrics NIH Funding NIH Rank % Faculty Effort to Funded Research Research $/Faculty FTE Research Space Faculty Satisfaction with School Research Infrastructure
GOAL # 3 To be the leader in modeling effective integration of a health profession school into an academic health center.
Objectives Increase the involvement of faculty and staff in teaching, research and service activities outside of the School that support the mission of the academic health center Increase the number of appropriate appointments for faculty in other units of the University, and offer joint and secondary appointments to appropriate faculty in other units of the University Develop capacity to be an incubator for new ideas and initiatives that rely on multi-professional approaches and teams Increase involvement of faculty and staff in research centers and related activities
DRAFT – SHRP Scorecard Goal 3 – Integration into AHC School Metrics # Faculty w/ Center Appointments # Faculty in UAB-AHC Clinical Practice Co-PI’s on Funded Research Outside of SHRP: # of Faculty $ of Salary Support # Faculty w/Secondary Appointments in other UAB-AHC Units # Faculty involved in Teaching in AHC Outside of SHRP # of Multi (interdisciplinary) Research & Service Activities
GOAL # 4 To enhance the value and reputation of SHRP in the state and beyond by working effectively with partners to help advance community and state goals in education, health, quality of life and economic development.
Objectives Educate and train productive citizens to live and work in Alabama Partner with local, state and national organizations to improve quality of life through health education and outreach Raise local, state and national awareness of health professions disciplines Recruit and train students in key health professions workforce shortage areas
DRAFT – SHRP Scorecard Goal 4 – Service # Graduates in Alabama # of Faculty Involved in Community Service Organizations # Faculty Holding Office in Professional Organization: National State # of Individuals Reached Thru Service/Outreach Activities Image Survey
Create a positive, supportive and diverse work environment in which faculty and staff can excel. GOAL # 5
Objectives Enhance faculty and staff professional development Secure funds and develop incentives to ensure competitive wages Institute rigorous evaluation systems that measure performance and link these to promotion and merit salary increases Improve recruitment and retention of underrepresented minorities
DRAFT – SHRP Scorecard Goal 5 – Work Environment School Metrics Faculty % Faculty w/ Doctorates % Faculty/Tenure or Tenure Track %Faculty Salaries Above Median %Minority Faculty Faculty Satisfaction Staff % Staff Salaries Above Median % Minority Staff Staff Satisfaction % Staff Involved in Staff Development
Actively pursue and secure community and financial support to accomplish our vision. GOAL # 6
Objectives Enhance support for educational, research, community outreach and service programs and activities Increase financial support Increase alumni and clinical affiliates engagement Increase appropriation and special support from government at all levels
DRAFT – SHRP Scorecard Goal 6 – Community/Financial Support University Metrics Total Private Gifts Gifts to Endowments Total Endowment Value Alumni Society Membership State Appropriation School Metrics Donors Alumni Events Alumni Attendance
STRENGTHS Interdisciplinary collaborations/linkages National reputation, programs & research Entrepreneurial environment Size of school/breadth of programs School perceived as an institutional asset Clinical & alumni community involvement
WEAKNESSES Research infrastructure Technology: Classroom, D.E., support, data management, student’s computers, etc. Faculty development – research & teaching Resistance to change Lack of identity (external & community internal) Lack of performance culture
THREATS Declining state support for education Competition: Traditional, non-traditional, technology Applicant pool; quantity & quality Faculty pool Reduced support from clinical partners
OPPORTUNITIES Diversify/grow funding sources Partnerships/collaborations across UAB & with other universities in D.E., C.M.E., etc. Distance learning Shaping/reinventing the health care delivery system; workforce training, policy, etc. Globalization of education & health care – international focus/programs Lead/model faculty development nationally – mentoring, exchange programs, etc.
CRITICAL ISSUES Establishment of a performance/accountability culture Creation of a long term financial support plan Development of a long-term IT plan. Creation of a research infrastructure plan Establishment of identity (internal & external) Enhance faculty excellence:---- faculty recruitment & development