Access the functions as described. Accessing functions. To change the accessing password, follow the steps below. Use the NEXT key to select: station manager password (max. 6 digits) operator password (max. 6 digits) W&M password (max. 6 digits) Press ENTER again. The display shows: Type 33, then press ENTER. The display shows: PASS WORD CHANGING
This statistics is showed on 3 screen pages. Example: To access information of Meter 5, historical 2, statistic S30.52 has to be read. Calibration Factor Calibration event counter (read number 5 of historical) Totalizers litres HH.MM = 1225 Time in the following format: YY.MM.DD =
Once the password you want to change has been selected, press #. The amount display goes blank. When you begin typing the new password, dashes appear on the amount display instead of the regular entries: Press ENTER: the system prompts you to enter the new password again.
Type the new password. The display shows: Press ENTER: if the password has been entered correctly, both dashes and PASS start flashing. Press ENTER again to confirm. Dashes begin flashing and the display shows:
UNIT PRICE CHANGE LOG The computer logs all Unit Price change events and stores the last 10 changes. This statistic is represented in the format S30.XX, where XX is the log number (from 1 thru 9) of the unit price change This statistics is showed on 3 screen pages as showed below. Example: To access information of Log Unit Price Change 02, statistic S30.02 has to be read. New Unit Price Old Unit Price Statistic Number and Log Time in format HH.MM Date in Format MM.DD.YY Statistic Number and Log Counter Change Number MM -> mode (credit or cash) NN -> nozzle number SS -> side of unit price changed Statistic Number and Log
Calibration Factor Change log Calibration Factor Change log – S35 and S36 The iGEM computer logs all calibration factor change events and stores the last 10 changes per meter. This statistic is represented in the format S35.MH, where M is the meter number (from 1 thru 9). Calibration factor changes of meters 10 to 12 are stored on statistic S36 (S36.MH), where M is the meter number (from 0 thru 2). H is the number of calibration history (from 1 thru 5) that is to be read. Below is a description as how to identify side and nozzle of a Pump to be able to identify de meter correctly the read the calibration factor change log statistic.
EVENT LOGS Additional statistics were implemented to achieve the customer requirements. The event logs are accessed by pressing the “Clear” button on the remote control when the pump is in idle state. The pump enters in Weights & Measures mode and the events data can be read on the display. By pressing the “Next” button on the remote control a new event type is showed on the display. The event type is showed on the Unit Price display according to the following messages Unit = Volume metering unit changes Blend = Blend ratio changes PC = Program changes (new functionality) FC = Function parameter changes (new functionality) An to Bn = Totalizers on side A and B, where n indicates the nozzle number. When showing an event type by pressing the “Enter” button event details are showed on the display. Pressing “Next” button the previous event details is showed. Pressing “Enter” the next event type is showed.
Program (Software Version) Change log The iGEM computer logs all software version change events and stores the last 20 changes. The event type message has the following format: Last event date and time in the following format: YY.MM.DD = HH.MM = 1225 NN = Event counter This event details is showed on 2 screen pages. Program change date and time: YY.MM.DD = HH.MM = 1225 NN = Event number Software version and subversion Version = 0010 Subversion = 08 Program release date: YY.MM.DD. = NN = Event number
Function Parameter Change log The iGEM computer logs all function parameters change events and stores the last 50 changes. The event type message has the following format: Last event date and time in the following format: (i.e – MM.DD.YY) (i.e – HH.MM) This event details is showed on 3 screen pages. New Function Parameter Function = 06 Sub function = 00 New Parameter: 2 NN = Event number Old Function Parameter Function = 06 Sub function = 00 Old Parameter: 0 NN = Event number Function parameter change date and time: MM.DD.YY = HH.MM = 1225 NN = Event number
Printing a Receipt The pump is equipped with one or two printers per side, depending on the model. After a sale, if desired, a transaction receipt should be printed by pressing the receipt button (“”) on the corresponding side. By default (F46.08), the pump display will show a message asking the operator to enter the car license. When in Receipt mode the “ ” button is used to correct the entered data or cancel the operation. Entering the data and pressing the “ ” button the receipt will be printed while the pump display shows the “print” message. It is also possible to issue a receipt copy by pressing the receipt button again. So the “COPY” message is printed on the receipt (F46.01).
Printing a Report Some of the new events and statistics can be printed as a report. When pressing the report button the following screen is showed: Pressing the report is cancelled and the pump side returns to Idle mode.